Stefan SCHWAIGER, Mag. pharm. Dr.
Research Associate
Institute of Pharmacy/Pharmacognosy
University of Innsbruck
Center for Chemistry and Biomedicine
Innrain 80 - 82/IV
Room: L.04.042
6020 Innsbruck / Austria
Phone: +43 512 507 - 58409 | Fax: +43 512 507 - 58499
Research |
Publications |
Teaching |
Isolation and structure elucidation of biological active compounds from natural sources
Analysis of secondary metabolites from higher plants by HPLC, GC and related techniques
- 01.05.2020-30.04.2022: project leader and coordinator:
Searching for potential therapeutic agents for managing diabetic wounds from Vietnamese medicinal plants targeting matrix metalloproteinase-9 | (OEAD Project) | Cooperation Development Research- KoEF06/2019
2011 |
Nachwuchsförderung of the University of Innsbruck. Project titel: “Naturstoffe mit Einfluss auf das NPS/NPSR-System” |
2008 |
Awarded project at the "PRIZE 2008" competition of the uni:invent II framework |
2006 |
Poster Award at the 19. Wissenschaftlichen Tagung der Österreichischen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, 20. - 22. April 2006, Innsbruck, Austria |
2004 |
Poster Award at the International Congress on Natural Products Research, July 31st - August 4th, Phoenix, Arizona |