Mag. Alice Falkner
University Assistant

Department of European Law and Public International Law
Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck

Room 3005
Phone:  +43 512 507-81441  

Mag. Alice Falkner

Curriculum Vitae

Alice Falkner studied law at the Universität Innsbruck and the Università degli Studi di Padova. She is part of the Department of European Law and Public International Law at the Universität Innsbruck since autumn 2016. After having finished her Diploma Programme Law in autumn 2016, she joined the Department as a University Assistant for two semesters. In the following academic year 2017/18, she completed a practical training at several courts within the district of Vienna while still holding lectures for the University in Innsbruck. In autumn 2018, Alice Falkner has returned to the Department, being a part of the research team of Professor Müller. Her research focus lies on jurisdiction of international courts and tribunals and she holds lectures in Public International Law and European Law.

Research Focus

  • Jurisdiction of international Courts and Tribunals


  • English
  • Italian
  • French


  • Afghanistan finally open for investigations. ICC Prosecutor succeeds before the Appeals Chamber, Völkerrechtsblog (7. April 2020)
  • Hauser/Werther-Pietsch/Falkner/Müller/Mantovani/Rohardt, Internationale Organisationen - fehlt der "strategische Wille?", in Peischl (Hg), Wiener Strategie-Konferenz 2019. Strategie neu denken (2021) 478


Courses in WS 2020/21

  • EU Law Tutorial
  • Academic Research Techniques for students of the Business Law and students of the Diploma Programme Law

  Image Source

Birgit Pichler

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