Guidelines for abstracts

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Submit immediately but latest before: 31 May 2016
Latest response of review process: 30 June 2016

Language: English


or on

IAC Symposium 2016 / c/o E. Rott
Institut für Botanik, AG Hydrobotanik
Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Sternwartestrasse 15
6020 Innsbruck

File Format: MS Word file (docx, rtf) or MS Word compatible files

Paper size: A4, margins 2.5 cm at all sides

Fonts and paragraph formats

  • Title: Arial, 14pt, bold, single spaced

  • Author(s): Arial, 12pt, regular; single spaced
    Name1, Given name(s), Name2, Given name & Name3, Given name
    Name of the presenter to be underlined

  • Address(es): Arial, 11 pt, regular;; (for all 1 2 .) single spaced
    for all 1 2  

  • Contact author’s e-mail: Arial, 11 pt, regular



  • Text only, no tables and no figures, no separate list of references

  • Length: maximum 300 words
    Citation and abstract may not exceed one page

  • Arial, 11 pt, regular, 1.5 spaced

  • Latin taxa names in italics

No other formatting acceptable.


Organizers reserve the right to reject topics not related to the meeting, belated contributions and registrations passing the acceptable limit of participants.

Reminder: Only ONE scientific contribution per registration possible.

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