J. Andrew Doole's Further Activities

Excerpt from the Research Documentation


Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, etc.

Conference Lecture (Invited Lecture)
  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: And when I say “We”, I mean “You”! The ‘Christian’ Plural in Paul’s Letters.
    Treffen der österreichischen NeutestamentlerInnen 2021, Wien, online, 2021-03-20.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: "Not quite, Mary" (PJ 11.3): The Ins and Outs of Virginal Conception in Annunciation Accounts.
    International Conference: Apocryphal Stories of Jesus' Birth: The Protevangelium of James and Related Texts, Innsbruck, 2017-10-24. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Repschinski, Boris; Doole, James Andrew: Maria und Josef im Protevangelium Jacobi.
    Treffen der österreichischen NeutestamentlerInnen 2017, Wien, 2017-06-10.

  • Lecturer(s): Repschinski, Boris; Doole, James Andrew: Bedingte Barmherzigkeit: Matthäus und Paulus im Kontrast.
    Treffen der österreichischen NeutestamentlerInnen 2016, Linz, 2016-06-04.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Liquid Mercy, Liquid Wrath? God's Empty Canteens in Romans 9.
    Symposion Barmherzigkeit – Geschenk und Auftrag, Innsbruck, 2016-06-03. (Web link)

Conference Lecture (Upon Registration)
  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Inventing a Diaspora: The (Non-)Customs of the Christians according to Bardaisan of Edessa.
    CISSR 2024: Annual Meeting on Christian Origins, Bertinoro, 2024-10-03. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew: Gender and the Bible: An Empirical Study of Roman Catholic and Evangelical Religious Identity in Austria.
    21st Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR), Göteborg, 2024-08-19. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: The Bible in Belfast: Reference to Biblical Figures in the Politics of “post-conflict” Northern Ireland.
    CISSR 2023: Annual Meeting on Christian Origins, Bertinoro, 2023-09-21. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Jesus as Chicken.
    European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) Annual Conference 2023, Siracusa, 2023-07-13 (Online). (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Paul’s Posthumous Miracle: The Apostle’s Re-Attaching Head.
    European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) Annual Conference 2023, Siracusa, 2023-07-11 (Online). (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Paul and the Theft: Why Should the Achaians and Macedonians Trust Paul with Their Money?
    2022 Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Denver, 2022-11-21. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Paul and the Theft: Why Should the Achaians and Macedonians trust Paul with their Money?
    Fully Online Mini-Conference of the New Testament Society of Southern Africa, Stellenbosch, 2022-09-20 (Online).

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Remembering the Guy They Didn't Crucify: Barabbas in Early Christian Tradition.
    Fully Online Mini-Conference of the New Testament Society of Southern Africa, Stellenbosch, 2022-09-20 (Online).

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Early Christian Ethnography and Social Identity: A Comparison of the Epistle to Diognetus and Bardaisan’s Book of the Laws of Countries.
    2022 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Salzburg, 2022-07-21. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Jacob of Serugh's (Unique?) Understanding of Barabbas as Representative of Humanity.
    2022 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Salzburg, 2022-07-20. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Paul and the Theft: Why Should the Achaians and Macedonians trust Paul with their Money?
    European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) Annual Conference 2022, Toulouse (hybrid), 2022-07-05 (Online). (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew: "The Girl-Power of Christ Compels You!": Female Exorcists Then and Now.
    European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) Annual Conference 2022, Cork, 2022-06-29.

  • Lecturer(s): Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew: Critical Research on Gender and Religion across Sources and Centuries: The Construction of Female Exorcists in Syriac Hagiography and New Media.
    Critical Approaches to the Study of Religion Conference, Belfast, 2022-06-12. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: The Bible in Belfast, Ballymena and Bangor: Incidental Reference to Scripture in Northern Irish Politics.
    Critical Approaches to the Study of Religion Conference, Belfast, 2022-06-11. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Jesus Barabbas: Superstar!
    2021 Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, online, 2021-11-21. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Bitte vom Messias Abstand halten: Jesus und Social Distancing.
    Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Assistentinnen und Assistenten an Bibelwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Österreich (ArgeAss) 2021: Seuche, Krankheit, Heilung, Linz (online), 2021-09-28. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Making the ‘Bad Guy’ Even Worse: Early Christian Commentary on Barabbas.
    British New Testament Conference 2021, Durham [online], 2021-08-20. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Remembering the Guy They Didn’t Crucify: Barabbas in Early Christian Tradition.
    European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) Annual Conference 2021, Wuppertal [online], 2021-08-04. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Could Paul Refer to Himself in the Plural?
    2020 Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Boston, 2020-11-30. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: A Self-Referential First Person Plural in an Ancient Papyrus?
    CISSR 2019: Annual Meeting on Christian Origins, Bertinoro, 2019-09-27. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: To Be An Out-of-the-Synagoguer.
    European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) Annual Conference 2019, Warszawa, 2019-08-14. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: What to do with Left-Overs? Give them a Soundbite: Paul, the Parousia, and the First Person Plural.
    22. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft neutestamentlicher Assistenten und Assistentinnen an theologischen Fakultäten, Heidelberg, 2019-05-04. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Paul's Final Act: The Miracle of Apostle's Re-Attaching Head.
    21. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft neutestamentlicher Assistenten und Assistentinnen an theologischen Fakultäten, Mainz, 2018-05-12.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: The Quiet Apostle: Timothy in the Prison Epistles.
    2017 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Berlin, 2017-08-09. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: "I have fought with wild beasts ... but I will stay until Pentecost." What can 1 Corinthians teach us about Ephesus?
    20. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft neutestamentlicher Assistenten und Assistentinnen an theologischen Fakultäten, Wien, 2017-04-29. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, Andrew: Jesus "at home": Did Jesus have a house in Capernaum?
    Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Assistentinnen und Assistenten an Bibelwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Österreich (ArgeAss) 2016: Raumkonzepte, Linz, 2016-09-29. (Web link)

Session Chairperson / Discussant
  • Doole, James Andrew: Biblical Criticism and Criticism of Sacred Texts.
    Critical Approaches to the Study of Religion Conference, Belfast, 2022-06-12. (Web link)

  • Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew: Moderation.
    Ancient and Modern Ideas of Possession, Innsbruck (online), 2021-09-30. (Web link)

  • Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew: Moderation.
    Ancient and Modern Ideas of Possession, Innsbruck (online), 2021-09-29. (Web link)

  • Doole, James Andrew: Grußwort (Leiter des Instituts für Bibelwissenschaften und Historische Theologie).
    Petrus Canisius SJ (1521–1597): Zwischen alten Traditionen und neuen Zeiten, Innsbruck, online, 2021-05-26. (Web link)

  • Doole, James Andrew: Chair.
    International Conference: Apocryphal Stories of Jesus' Birth: The Protevangelium of James and Related Texts, Innsbruck, 2017-10-25. (Web link)

Lecture at Summer-/Winterschool
  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Biblical Values.
    3rd International Teaching Week, Oloumouc, 2023-11-01. (Web link)

Lecture at Project Meeting / Research Cooperation Meeting
  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Paul and the First Person Plural.
    Forschungstag im Rahmen des Forschungszentrums Synagoge und Kirchen, Innsbruck, 2023-04-21.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: The Quest for the Historical Jesus ... Barabbas!
    iDok 5, Leipzig, 2020-02-21.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: To Be An Out-of-the-Synagoguer (ἀποσυνάγωγος).
    Forschungstag im Rahmen des Forschungszentrums Synagoge und Kirchen, Innsbruck, 2019-03-08.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Does Paul refer to himself in the First Person Plural?
    iDok4, Hamburg, 2019-02-22.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Did Paul refer to himself in the First Person Plural?
    Arbeitskreis Neues Testament, Innsbruck, 2018-12-11.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Did Paul refer to himself in the First Person Plural?
    Arbeitskreis Neues Testament, Innsbruck, 2018-11-13.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: The First Person Plural in Paul.
    Forschungstag der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät, Innsbruck, 2018-07-02. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: The First Person Plural in Galatians.
    Arbeitskreis Neues Testament, Innsbruck, 2018-05-16.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Was there a Self-Referential First Person Plural in Antiquity?
    Privatissimum Neues Testament, Vienna, 2018-03-08.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: The First Person Plural in Ancient Letters.
    Arbeitskreis Neues Testament, Innsbruck, 2017-10-27.

  • Lecturer(s): Repschinski, Boris; Doole, James Andrew: Die Geburt Jesu im Protevangelium Jacobi.
    Arbeitskreis Neues Testament, Innsbruck, 2017-05-16.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Jesus und Knigge: Etikette in den Evangelien.
    Wissenschaftliche Austauschgespräche an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät, Innsbruck, 2017-04-05.

  • Lecturer(s): Repschinski, Boris; Doole, James Andrew: Maria und Josef im Protevangelium Jacobi.
    Arbeitskreis Neues Testament, Innsbruck, 2017-03-22.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Apostel als Alternative? Autoritätskonstellationen in den Evangelien.
    Forschungstag im Rahmen des Forschungszentrums Synagoge und Kirchen, Innsbruck, 2017-01-12.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: The First Person Plural in 1 Thess.
    Arbeitskreis Neues Testament, Innsbruck, 2016-11-24.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Wie sah Jesus aus?
    Wissenschaftliche Austauschgespräche an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät, Innsbruck, 2016-11-17.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Ökumenische Bibelwissenschaft.
    Forschungstag im Rahmen des Forschungszentrums Synagoge und Kirchen, Innsbruck, 2016-11-11.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: The First Person Plural in Paul: Definitions and Forschungsgeschichte.
    Arbeitskreis Neues Testament, Innsbruck, 2016-10-25.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Observational Comedy in Lk 15.11–32.
    Arbeitskreis Neues Testament, Innsbruck, 2016-06-23.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Observational Comedy in Lk 15.1–10.
    Arbeitskreis Neues Testament, Innsbruck, 2016-05-19.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Auswahl der Ältesten in den Pastoralbriefen.
    Forschungstag im Rahmen des Forschungszentrums Synagoge und Kirchen, Innsbruck, 2016-01-26.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Humor in den synoptischen Evangelien.
    Wissenschaftliche Austauschgespräche an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät, Innsbruck, 2015-12-09.

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Continuity between Mark and Matthew.
    Arbeitskreis Neues Testament, Innsbruck, 2015-10-22.

Individual Lectures (professional development / knowledge transfer)

Teachers' Training Course
  • Doole, James Andrew: Jesus Memes.
    Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Edith Stein - Institut für Religionspädagogische Bildung (IRPB), Innsbruck/Stams, 2022-01-10.

Lecture (Knowledge Transfer / Further Education)
  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: War Jesus lustig?
    Propstei Pasewalk, Ratzeburg, 2023-03-14 (Online).

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Jesus Memes.
    TheoTag 2023, Innsbruck, 2023-02-09. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Jesus Memes.
    TheoTag 2020, Innsbruck, 2020-02-06. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: Kein christliches Land: Frühchristliche Geopolitik.
    Innsbrucker Theologische Sommertage 2017: Glaube und Politik in einer pluralen Welt, Innsbruck, 2017-09-04. (Web link)

  • Lecturer(s): Doole, James Andrew: "Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können." Evangelii Gaudium und konfessionsübergreifende Bibelwissenschaft.
    Innsbrucker Theologische Sommertage 2016: Papst Franziskus: Eine Zwischenbilanz"", Innsbruck, 2016-09-06. (Web link)

Presentations for the general public

Public Lecture
  • Doole, James Andrew: Jesus Memes.
    Theo Tag 2024, Innsbruck, 2024-02-08. (Web link)

  • Doole, James Andrew: Jesus Memes.
    Theo-Forum der Diözese Feldkirch, Götzis, 2024-01-29. (Web link)

  • Doole, James Andrew: Ein "Aus-der-Synagoge-er" zu sein: Identität und Propaganda in einem seltsamen Wort im Johannesevangelium (Tag des Judentums 2022).
    Haus der Begegnung, Innsbruck, 2022-01-17. (Web link)

  • Collinet, Benedikt; Doole, James Andrew: Verdammte Liebe: Ist die Bibel homophob?
    Aktionstage Kreuz und Queer*, Innsbruck, 2021-06-01. (Web link)

  • Doole, James Andrew: Menschenrechte und Neues Testament.
    Haus der Begegnung, Innsbruck, 2018-11-12.

  • Doole, James Andrew: Bedingte Barmherzigkeit? Ein Blick in die Bibel.
    Haus der Begegnung, Innsbruck, 2016-11-19. (Web link)

Projects, scholarships and other third-party funds

Research Projects

  • Doole, James Andrew; Bauer, Nicole: Gender and the Bible. Gender and the Bible: An Empirical Study of Roman Catholic and Evangelical Religious Identity in Austria.
    Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF), Einzelprojekt
    2023-09-01 - 2026-08-31

Organisation of Events

  • Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew: Organisation & Moderation, (De)Constructing Gender Politics in Contemporary Christian Discourse, Graz, Österreich, 2024-07-04 - 2024-07-05. (Web link)

  • Doole, James Andrew: Organisation & Moderation, Jesus und sein Weg - Beiträge zur Jesusforschung und zur neutestamentlichen Christologie, Linz, Österreich, 2024-05-25.

  • Doole, James Andrew: Organisation & Moderation, Treffen der österreichischen Neutestamentler:innen 2023, Linz, Österreich, 2023-03-18.

  • Collinet, Benedikt; Doole, James Andrew; Stare, Mira: Organisation, Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Assistentinnen und Assistenten an bibelwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Österreichan (ArgeAss) zum Thema Krieg und Frieden, Innsbruck, Österreich, 2023-09-25 - 2023-09-27. (Web link)

  • Doole, James Andrew: Organisation & Moderation, Treffen der österreichischen Neutestamentler:innen 2022, Linz, Österreich, 2022-05-18.

  • Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew: Organisation, Ancient and Modern Ideas of Possession, Innsbruck (online), Österreich, 2021-09-29 - 2021-09-30. (Web link)

  • Doole, James Andrew: Organisation & Moderation, Treffen der österreichischen NeutestamentlerInnen 2021, Wien, online, Österreich, 2021-03-20.

  • Doole, James Andrew; Neuber, Carolin; Stockinger, Dominik: Organisation, Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Assistentinnen und Assistenten an Bibelwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Österreich (ArgeAss) 2021: Seuche, Krankheit, Heilung, Linz (online), Österreich, 2021-09-27 - 2021-09-29. (Web link)

  • Doole, James Andrew: Organisation, Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der AssistentInnen an bibelwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Österreich (ArgeAss) zum Thema "Gottesbilder", Innsbruck, Österreich, 2019-09-23 - 2019-09-25. (Web link)

  • Doole, Andrew; Quitterer, Josef; Rees, Wilhelm; Regensburger, Dietmar; Siebenrock, Roman: Tagungsorganisation, Dies facultatis & Diözesantag 2018: Friede in Europa - ein christliches Projekt?!, Innsbruck, Österreich, 2018-04-27. (Web link)

  • Karmann, Thomas; Repschinski, Boris; Doole, James Andrew: Organiser, International Conference: Apocryphal Stories of Jesus' Birth: The Protevangelium of James and Related Texts, Innsbruck, Österreich, 2017-10-23 - 2017-10-25.

Professional Posts and Affiliations

  • Doole, James Andrew: Editorial Board.
    Protokolle zur Bibel, Wien, 2021-03-18 on-going. (Web link)

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