Publications by J. Andrew Doole
Publications before July 2015 can be found below
Excerpt from the Research Documentation
(Co-)Edited Books
Anthology / Collected Edition (Editorship)
Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew (2024): Ideas of Possession: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197679920. (DOI) (Web link)
Bremmer, Jan N.; Doole, James Andrew; Karmann, Thomas R.; Nicklas, Tobias; Repschinski, Boris (2020): The Protevangelium of James. Leuven - Paris - Bristol: Peeters (= Studies on Early Christian Apocrypha, 16). ISBN 978-9-042-93998-1. (Web link)
(Co-)Edited Journals and Book Series
(Co-)Editorship of Book Series and Journals
Doole, James Andrew: Booklist Editor - Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 2025-01-01 on-going. (Web link)
Contributions to Books / Journals
Journal Article (Original Paper)
Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew (2024): “The Girl Power of Christ Compels You!”: Female Exorcists Past and Present.
In: Religion and Theology 31/4, pp. 242 - 262. (DOI) (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2024): Chicken Jesus.
In: Biblical interpretation 32/5, pp. 548 - 571. (DOI) (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2023): Scripture in Stormont: Incidental reference to the Bible in Northern Irish politics.
In: Critical Research on Religion 11/3, pp. 281 - 299. (DOI) (Web link) -
Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew (2022): The (Re)Invention of Biblical Exorcism in Contemporary Roman Catholic Discourses.
In: Religion and Theology 29, pp. 1 - 33. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2021): To Be ‘An Out-of-the-Synagoguer’.
In: Journal for the study of the New Testament 43/3, pp. 389 - 410. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2020): Did Paul Really Think He Wasn’t Going to Die? Paul, the Parousia, and the First Person Plural in 1 Thess 4:13–18.
In: Novum Testamentum 62/1, pp. 44 - 59. (DOI) (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2020): The Final Act of Paul: The Miracle of the Apostle's Re-Attaching Head.
In: Apocrypha. Revue internationale des littératures apocryphes 30 (2019), pp. 87 - 106. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2019): Was Timothy in Prison with Paul?
In: New Testament studies 65/1, pp. 59 - 77. (DOI) (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2018): “I Have Fought with Wild Beasts … But I Will Stay until Pentecost”: What (Else) Can 1 Corinthians Teach Us about Ephesus?
In: Novum Testamentum 60/2, pp. 140 - 161. (DOI) (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2017): Jesus "at Home". Did Jesus Have a House in Capernaum?
In: Protokolle zur Bibel 26/1, pp. 36 - 64. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2016): Liquid Mercy, Liquid Wrath? God's Empty Pots in Romans 9.
In: Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 138/3–4, pp. 331 - 347. -
Doole, James Andrew (2016): Observational Comedy in Luke 15.
In: Neotestamentica 50/1, pp. 181 - 209. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article (Editorial)
Stare, Mira; Collinet, Benedikt; Doole, James Andrew (2023): Eine Einführung (Editorial).
In: Protokolle zur Bibel 32/2, pp. 115 - 118. (Web link)
Book Chapter (Original Paper)
Doole, James Andrew (2023): Barabbas as Adam in the Sermons of Jacob of Serugh.
In: Merkt, Andreas; Nicklas, Tobias; Buchinger, Harald: Provokateure, Tabubrüche und Denkabenteuer. Grenzüberschreitungen im frühen und spätantiken Christentum. Gedenkschrift für Thomas Karmann. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (= Forschungen zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte, 125)., ISBN 978-3-525-50025-5, pp. 111 - 124. (DOI) (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2020): 'Not Quite, Mary' (PJ 11.3): The Ins and Outs of Virginal Conception in Annunciation Accounts.
In: Bremmer, Jan N.; Doole, James Andrew; Karmann, Thomas R.; Nicklas, Tobias; Repschinski, Boris: The Protevangelium of James. Leuven - Paris - Bristol: Peeters (= Studies on Early Christian Apocrypha, 16)., ISBN 978-9-042-93998-1, pp. 217 - 248. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2017): Kein christliches Land: Frühchristliche Geopolitik.
In: Datterl, Monika; Guggenberger, Wilhelm; Paganini, Claudia: Glaube und Politik in einer pluralen Welt. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= theologische trends, 27)., ISBN 978-3-903122-85-7, pp. 187 - 204. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2016): "Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können." Evangelii gaudium und konfessionsübergreifende Bibelwissenschaft.
In: Datterl, Monika; Guggenberger, Wilhelm; Paganini, Claudia; Siebenrock, Roman: Papst Franziskus – ein erstes Resümee. Innsbruck: innsbruck university press (IUP) (= theologische trends, 26)., ISBN 978-3-903122-48-2, pp. 79 - 98. (Web link)
Book Chapter (Editorial)
Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew (2024): Concluding Remarks.
In: Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew: Ideas of Possession: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press., ISBN 9780197679920, pp. 433 - 434. (DOI) (Web link) -
Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew (2024): Introduction: An Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Approach to the Study of Possession.
In: Bauer, Nicole Maria; Doole, James Andrew: Ideas of Possession: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press., ISBN 9780197679920, pp. 1 - 16. (DOI) (Web link)
Journal Article in Professional / Transfer-Oriented Journal
Doole, James Andrew (2021): Ich bin der zerstreute Hirte.
In: Bibel heute 57/2, pp. 8 - 10. (Web link)
(Book) Reviews
Journal Article (Book Review)
Doole, James Andrew (2024): Ekaputra Tupamahu, Contesting Languages: Heteroglossia and the Politics of Language in the Early Church (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022). Pp. 272.
In: The Catholic biblical quarterly 86/3, pp. 620 - 621. (DOI) (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2024): Nightmares with the Bible: The Good Book and Cinematic Demons by Steve A. Wiggins (review).
In: The Catholic biblical quarterly 86/4, pp. 832 - 834. (DOI) (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2021): Jochen Flebbe: Jesus Tora. Christologie und Gesetz im Johannesevangelium vor dem Hintergrund antik-jüdischer Torametaphorik (BBB 190; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020).
In: The Catholic biblical quarterly 83/4, pp. 701 - 703. -
Doole, James Andrew (2019): Joachim Kügler: Exegese zwischen Religionsgeschichte und Pastoral (SBA 64). Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 2017. Exegesis between Religious History and Pastoral.
In: The Catholic biblical quarterly 81/3, pp. 362 - 364. (DOI) -
Doole, James Andrew (2018): Andy Angel, Intimate Jesus: The Sexuality Of God Incarnate, London: SPCK, 2017.
In: Themelios - An International Journal for Students of Theological and Religious Studies 43/1, pp. 107 - 109. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2018): David L. Eastman: The Ancient Martyrdom Accounts of Peter and Paul (Writings from Greco-Roman World 39). Atlanta: SBL Press, 2015.
In: Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt. Serie A 43, pp. 214 - 216. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2018): Dennis R. MacDonald:The Dionysian Gospel: The Fourth Gospel and Euripides. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017.
In: Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt. Serie A 43, pp. 244 - 247. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2018): Loren T. Stuckenbruck, Gabriele Boccaccini (eds.): Enoch and the Synoptic Gospels. Reminiscences, Allusions, Intertextuality. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016.
In: Theologische Revue 114/5, pp. 378 - 379. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2018): Michael F. Bird: An Anomalous Jew: Paul among Jews, Greeks, and Romans. Grand
Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 2016.
In: Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt. Serie A 43, pp. 208 - 210. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2018): Monika Szarek: Ehe und Askese. Familienethos bei Paulus und Musonius. BVB 31, Münster: LIT, 2016.
In: The Catholic biblical quarterly 80/2, pp. 347 - 348. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2017): David J. McCollough: Ritual Water, Ritual Spirit: An Analysis of the Timing, Mechanism, and Manifestation of Spirit-Reception in Luke-Acts, Paternoster Biblical Monographs, Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2017.
In: Neotestamentica 50 (2016)/2, pp. 544 - 548. (DOI) (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2017): Michael Krämer: Die Entstehungsgeschichte der synoptischen Evangelien. Das Markusevangelium, Würzburg: Echter, 2016.
In: Theologische Revue 113/1, pp. 26 - 28. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2017): Paul M. Robertson, Paul’s Letters and Contemporary Greco-Roman Literature: Theorizing a New Taxonomy, NovTSup 167, Leiden: Brill (2016).
In: Neotestamentica 51/2, pp. 369 - 374. (DOI) -
Doole, James Andrew (2017): Stanley E. Porter, The Apostle Paul: His Life, Thought and Letters, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016.
In: Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt. Serie A 42, pp. 248 - 254. -
Doole, James Andrew (2016): Porter S. E.: John, His Gospel, and Jesus.
In: Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt. Serie A 41, pp. 257 - 259. (Web link) -
Doole, James Andrew (2016): Robert H. Gundry. Peter: False Disciple and Apostate according to Saint Matthew. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2015.
In: Themelios - An International Journal for Students of Theological and Religious Studies 41/2, pp. 323 - 325. (Web link)
Electronic Publication (Book Review)
Doole, James Andrew (2024): Ryan S. Schellenberg and Heidi Wendt (eds.), T&T Clark Handbook to the Historical Paul. London: T&T Clark, 2022. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2023): Cavan Concannon, Profaning Paul (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021), (April 21, 2023). (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2023): Esau McCaulley, Sharing in the Son’s Inheritance: Davidic Messianism and Paul’s Worldwide Interpretation of the Abrahamic Land Promise in Galatians (Library of New Testament Studies 608). London: Bloomsbury, 2019. In: SBL Central, 22. Dezember. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2022): Roberts Thompson, Carolyn: Reading German for Theological Studies: A Grammar and Reader. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2021. In: Reading Religion, 28. December. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2019): Edwin K. Broadhead: The Gospel of Matthew on the Landscape of Antiquity (WUNT 378). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2018): Donald Dale Walker: Beyond the Obvious. Doorways to Understanding the New Testament. Winona: Anselm Academic, 2014. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2018): J. R. Daniel Kirk, A Man Attested by God: The Human Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2018): Miller, Robert J.: Helping Jesus Fulfill Prophecy. Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2015. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2018): Torsten Jantsch (ed.): Frauen, Männer, Engel. Perspektiven zu 1 Kor 11,2–16. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2015. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2017): Mark L. Strauss: Mark. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2014. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2017): Robert MacEwen: Matthean Posteriority. An Exploration of Matthew’s Use of Mark and Luke as a Solution to the Synoptic Problem, LNTS 501. London: Bloomsbury / T & T Clark. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2017): William O. Walker: Gospels, Jesus, and Christian Origins. Salem: Polebridge, 2016. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2016): Rodney J. Decker: Mark 1–8: A Handbook on the Greek Text, Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament, Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2014. (Web link)
Other Publications
Electronic Publication, Scientific
Doole, James Andrew (2021): Discovery of Paul’s Severed Head (NASSCAL ECCA 554). (Web link)
Electronic Publication, Transfer-Oriented
Doole, James Andrew (2024): Die Auferstehung: Ein Aprilscherz? (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2020): Glatzköpfig in den Himmel? (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2019): Jesus und die Kinderschänder. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2018): Der Wanderprediger zuhause: Hatte Jesus ein Haus? (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2018): Maria Magdalena: Eine der Zwölf? (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2017): Jesus und Knigge. Etikette in den Evangelien. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2017): Sex in den Evangelien. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2016): Hahahalleluja. Neutestamentliches zum Humor Jesu. (Web link)
Doole, James Andrew (2016): Wie sah Jesus aus? (Web link)
Media Contributions
Article in Popular Magazine
Doole, James Andrew: Wie hat Jesus ausgesehen?
In: Der Sonntag. Die Zeitung der Erzdiözese Wien of 2017-04-06.
Newspaper Article
Doole, James Andrew: Kommen ein Rabbi, ein Levit und ein Samariter in eine Bar ...
In: Moment - Sonderbeilage der Tiroler Tageszeitung of 2020-02-23. -
Doole, James Andrew: Die Bibel könnte ein Tiroler geschrieben haben.
In: Moment - Sonderbeilage der Tiroler Tageszeitung of 2017-12-15.
Contribution in (Web) Radio Show
Bauer, Nicole; Doole, James Andrew: Dämonen, Teufel und das Böse - Wie aufgeklärt sind wir heute?
In: Diesseits von Eden. Gespräche über Gott & die Welt. Der Podcast der theologischen Fakultäten Österreichs & Südtirols of 2024-05-14. (Web link) -
Publications before July 2015
- What was Mark for Matthew? Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe, 344, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013
- Book Review: Comparative Handbook to the Gospel of Mark: Comparisons with Pseudepigrapha, the Qumran Scrolls, and Rabbinic Literature, ed. Bruce Chilton et al., in Journal of Theological Studies, Vol. 65, April 2014, pp. 212‒214.