Projects and Science



India, Sevika spinning takli
Spinning with  a Takli spindle.
India, Darjeeling, woman spinning
West Bengal, Darjeeling -  woman with top-whorl-spindle. The spindle is brought to speed by rubbing up the thigh and the “dropped” to rotate freely.
India, Himachal woman spinning
Himachal Pradesh, North India Himachal village lady spinning wool. Note that she is spinning with a spindle supported in a spoon-like device fastened around her waist with a cloth. Pictures from a video on YouTube.

 India, Ladakh, spinning the Ladakhi style /Spinnen nach Ladakhi-Art.
Spinning  Ladakhi-style.
Mädchen mit Handspindel, Sikkim
Girl in front of a loom using a hand spindle. Sikkim. Photo app. 1965 bis 1971. Sikkim is an Indian state located in the southern Himalayas between Nepal, China and Bhutan.
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