Projects and Science

Central Amerika 





Maja spindles (malacates) from Sololá, 20th century, for cotton spinning. Both have some hand-spun thread of natural brown cotton (called cuyuscate or ixcaco).These are supported spindles turned in a bowl. Lengths: 15,43" and 15,2".


Idalma Mejida de Rodas, Cuyuscate. Brown Cotton in the Textile Tradition of Guatemala. Textiles of Guatemala 2 (Guatemala 2002).


Guatemala, spindles

Idalma Mejida de Rodas, Cuyuscate
Cover photo: Kaqchikel Maya weaver of Tecpán spinning cuyuscate, Dep. Chimaltenango.

Guatemala, woman spinning

Spinning of wild brown cotton,  Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala.

From: Margot Blum Schevill, Janet Catherine Berlo and Edward B. Dwyer (eds.), Textile Traditions of Mesoamerica and the Andes. An Anthology (Austin 1996) ISBN: 0-292-77714-0.

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