Projects and Science
Bulgarian spindles come in different sizes, the length of these ranging from 10.31" to 16.29". While one may well hold the shorter ones permanently in one´s hand rotating them between the fingers (above middle) it is better to use the very long, heavier specimens with their tip supported on the ground or in a dish. For clear size comparison, the longest and the shortest spindle were placed directly next to each other (on the right). Optionally spindle whorls can be stuck to the lower end thus transforming them to drop-spindles. You can find such a spindle depicted on the page for Greece.

Bulgarian spindles with spindle whorls made of wood and stone (far right). The spindle on the left has a spiral-shaped notch at the top while the others have small knobs. Lengths: 10.23" – 10.7"; whorl diameters: 1.5" (stone whorl) – 2.55".

Short, wooden distaffs. Carved on both sides with traces of former white incrustation* in the grooves and carved triangles. Lengths: 18.9“ (left) and 16.9“ (right).
*incrustation = filling in indentations with a white mass

Upper right:
Photogravure of a Bulgarian girl spinning, 1943 (Photographer: Dr. Martin Hürlimann). The girl is spinning with a Bulgarian spindle (detail left) and a distaff.
Ottoman/Turkish distaff from Bulgaria, painted wood, 19th century, length: 41.3". This type of distaff can not only be found in Bulgaria but also in other Southeast European countries.

Wooden distaff. Length 37”; Width of the blade 4.3”