Mambo italiano in Montréal. "Italianità" in Émile Gaudreaults transkulturellen queeren Komödie

Prof. Dr. Sabine Schrader (Innsbruck) | 31.03.2022 | 10:15–11:45 | 50109/3 SR

Zum Vortrag:

Because Nino is my lover. If only I could say that out loud. […] Every time I try
to I freeze. […] Because being gay and Italian is a fate worse than ... Actually
there is no fate worse than being gay and Italian. (14:48–15:05)


"This is the statement made by Angelo (Luc Kirby) regarding his ‘coming out’ as an Italian gay man in the comedy, Mambo Italiano, by the Canadian filmmaker Emile Gaudreault. Set in contemporary Little Italy in Montreal, the movie narrates the complications that emerge from Angelo’s secretive life style, as he still lives with his parents. Filmed in English by a Francophone director, the film was presented at a range of international film festivals and, in view of its auteur cinema and low-budget-character, an international success. The quote identifies the central criteria of identity, namely national origin and sexual orientation that are brought together in this queer, culture-clash comedy. Our contribution will analyze the film in the context of Italo-Canadian cinema, transatlantic queer cinema and trans-national comedy. These three points of reference point out Gaudreault’s negotiation of italianità in respect to generational and sexual differences. We will thus show that the film deconstructs homogeneous concepts of identity by exaggerating cultural and sexual clichés within a baroque and hybrid aesthetic, crossing
sitcom, music comedy and theatre conventions."

Abstract in:
Schrader, Sabine / Winkler, Daniel (2015): "Mambo Italiano in Montreal. Theatrical Italianità in Émile Gaudreault’s Transnational Queer Comedy". In: lettere aperte 2, 45–55.

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