
Open end knowledge

Having completed a study programme does not mean that this is the end of it! To face up to new challenges, to develop further and to continue to learn is a chance for young professionals, but also for the experienced.

The continuing education at the University of Innsbruck supports the advancement of acquired knowledge and the making of a name for oneself in the world of work, with continuing education programmes and courses.

General information is available at https://www.uibk.ac.at/weiterbildung/

Neu from 2020

Summer Schools at the University of Innsbruck

No plans yet for the summer, hurry and apply for a Summer School. All further information at https://www.uibk.ac.at/weiterbildung/schools/


University Course (UKI) Designing Future Realities

Together with the Wattens workshops, the Faculty of Architecture offers a cutting-edge course for the first time. More information at https://designingfuturerealities.com/


UKI Strategic Communication in Digital Networks

Strategic communication needs to be learned. What you need for this, you can find out at https://www.uibk.ac.at/weiterbildung/universitaetskurse/strategische-kommunikation/


UKI Internet of Things

Many have been waiting for this course. More information at https://www.uibk.ac.at/weiterbildung/universitaetskurse/internet-of-things/


UKI One Person Libraries

Last but not least, the UKI One Person Libraries is also offered for the first time:


Other interesting formats starting in 2020

UKI Pedagogical Quality and Quality Development in Kindergarten

This successful university course starts for the 2nd time. more information at https://www.uibk.ac.at/weiterbildung/universitaetskurse/paedqual/


We are looking forward to you!

The team for continuing university education

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