Study in the Euregio

Joint study programmes

Students of the Universities of the European Region have the opportunity to participate in joint study programmes. For graduates of these programmes, the intercultural experience of the integrated time abroad and the establishment of an International network significantly increases the chances on the job market.
The following programmes are available: 
Master in Energy Engineering 
University of Trento | Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Faculty of Science and Technology
The programme is aimed at preparing the experts of the future to figure out and address complex and advanced problems of energy engineering and/or requiring an interdisciplinary approach in the design, implementation, management and upgrading of production systems, transport and efficient use of energy. 



University of Innsbruck | Faculty of Biology 
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Faculty of Science and Technology 
Graduates possess highly specialized knowledge in the fields of mountain ecology, information technologies of landscape planning, ecological renaturation, planning and projecting in mountain areas. They are able to apply their knowledge in the field of advanced materials and at the intersections of other Natural Sciences, by independently formulating and substantiating scientific arguments and finding innovative solutions to problems. 



Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | Faculty of Education
University of Trento | Department of Humanities
This inter-university master’s degree, offered by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and the University of Trento, allows students to specialize in two distinct fields: Music Philology and Communicating Music (Musikvermittlung). The lecturers come from three different cultural and linguistic areas and will guide the students along their academic path, introducing them to the world of education, research, and transmission of knowledge in the field of music. 



University of Innsbruck | Faculty of Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Trento | Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Graduates are able to characterize physical and chemical processes and their interactions in the atmosphere and environment based upon a profound knowledge of theory and observational tools. They can critically evaluate the output of numerical weather prediction models and make weather forecasts. They have the skills to analyse and discuss scientific literature and to present scientific results in writing and oral presentations.



 University of Innsbruck | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | University of Padua  | University of Trento   
The requirements for successful completion of the programme include, in particular, a diploma thesis that serves to demonstrate the student's ability to work with academic topics independently and with proper consideration of content and method.



Emepa Master
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | University of Innsbruck | University of Trento
The two-year master’s programme, aimed at scientific staff who are already employed in public administration within one of the three European Regions, with the intention of supporting the creation of a public administration with a European dimension. With the Euregio Master's degree, graduates acquire advanced skills in the modernization of public administration, management and leadership.
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