Gertraud Medicus
Dr.techn. Dipl.-Ing.
Unit of Geotechnical Engineering, Room 626b
Tel.: +43 (0)512 / 507-62374
Consultation-hour: Thursday 10.00 -11.30 a.m.
Gertraud Medicus is a geotechnical engineer with research interest in computational soil mechanics. Her research focuses on constitutive models of soils in particular on the models hypoplasticity and barodesy. Gertraud aims to contribute to the understanding of soil modelling by developing, applying and teaching constitutive models. Her investigations are related to asymptotic soil behaviour, stress-dilatancy relations, plane-strain conditions, (non)coaxiality, small-strain/cyclic loading approaches and strength reduction analyses.
Current position: Elise-Richter position, PI of the research grant of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) P V918
Some animations related to soil modelling:
- 3D view of the Normal Compression Line (NCL), Critical State Line (CSL) and State Boundary Surface of the MCC model
- Mohr-Coulomb hexagon and stress invariants
- Modified Cam Clay model:
- How does ν affect the stress path of a plane-strain compression test and the Lode angle at failure? linear-elastic, ideal-plastic with failure according to Mohr-Coulomb (φ = 30°, c = 0, ψ=0)
- How does ν affect the K0-stress path (the stress path under oedometric compression). Here shown for the linear-elastic model, Mohr-Coulomb hexagon for φ = 30°, c = 0 is added; inspired by Zheng; Liu & Li (2005): doi: 10.1002/nme.1406