Wilhelm Patrick, PhD
Current employment: tba
Wilhelm, P.; Kwan, Y.; Läuchli, A.; Parameswaran, S. (2024): Supersymmetry on the honeycomb lattice: resonating charge stripes, superfrustration, and domain walls.
In: PRB, 110, 165124
Wilhelm, P.; Lang, T.C.; Scheuer, M.S.; Läuchli, A. (2023): Non-coplanar magnetism, topological density wave order and emergent symmetry at half-integer filling of moiré Chern bands.
In: SciePost Phys, 14, 40 (DOI)
Wilhelm, P.; Lang, T.C.; Läuchli, A. (2021): Interplay of fractional Chern insulator and charge density wave phases in twisted bilayer graphene.
In: PRB, 103, 125406 (DOI)
Salzburger Magdalena, PhD
University of Oxford, UK, University of Toronto, CA and University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, CZ
Current employment: tba
Salzburger, M.; Hütter, M.; van der Linde, C.; Ončák, M.; Beyer, M.K. (2024): Master equation modeling of blackbody infrared radiative dissociation (BIRD) of hydrated peroxycarbonate radical anions.
In: JCP, 160/13, 22185 (DOI)
Salzburger, M.; Saragi, R.T.; Wensink, F.J.; Cunningham, E.M.; Beyer, M.K.; Bakker, J.M.; Ončák, M.; van der Linde, C. (2023): Carbon Dioxide and Water Activation by Niobium Trioxide Anions in the Gas Phase.
In: JPC, 127, 3402 (DOI)
Salzburger, M.; Ončák, M.; van der Linde, C.; Beyer, M.K. (2023): Simplified Multiple-Well Approach for the Master Equation Modeling of Blackbody Infrared Radiative Dissociation of Hydrated Carbonate Radical Anions.
In: JACS, 144, 21485 (DOI)
Gstir Thomas, PhD
Current employment: Bartenbach Licht Gmbh, project engineer
Gstir, T.; Sundelin, D.; Michaelsen, T.; Ayasli, A.; Swaraj, D.; Judy, J.; Zappa, F.; Geppert, W.; Wester, R. (2024): Reaction dynamics of the methoxy anion CH3O- with methyl iodide CH3I
In: Faraday Discussions (DOI)
Gstir, T.; Michaelsen, T.; Long, A.B.; Nacsa, A.B.; Ayasli, A.; Swaraj, D.; Zappa, F.; Trummer, F.; Ard, S,.G.; Shuman, N.S.; Czako, G.; Viggiano, A.A.; Wester, R. (2023): The influence of fluorination on the dynamics of the F− + CH3CH2I reaction.
In: PCCP, 25, 18711 (DOI)

Karli Yusuf, PhD
During his PhD studies Yusuf worked in the group of Prof. Gregor Weihs and defended his thesis on "Advanced Excitation Schemes for Quantum Dots" on July 29th 2024 at the University of Innsbruck. During his PhD he spent research stays at Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, AT, Technische Universität Berlin, DE, Technische Universität Dortmund, DE and University of Cambridge, UK.
Current employment: University of Cambridge, UK, Postdoc
Karli, Y.; Vajner, D.A.; Kappe, F.; Haben, P.C.A.; Hansen, L.M.; Schwerz, R.; Bracht, T.K-; Schimpf, C.; Covre de Silva, S.F.; Walther, P.; Rastelli, A.; Axt, V.M.; Lorede, J.C.; Remesh, V.; Heindl, T.; Reiter, D.E.; Weihs, G. (2024): Controlling the photon number coherence of solid-state quantum light sources for quantum cryptography.
In: npj quantum information 2024, 10, 17 (DOI)
Kappe, F.; Karli, Y.; Bracht, T.K.; Covre da Silva, S.; Seidelmann, T.; Axt V.M.; Rastelli, A.; Weihs, G.; Reiter, D.E.; Remesh, V. (2023): Collective Excitation of Spatio-Spectrally Distinct Quantum Dots Enabled by Chirped Pulses.
In: Materials, 3, 25006 (2023) (DOI)
*shared first authorship
Karli, Y.; Kappe, F.; Remesh, V.; Bracht, T.K.; Münzberg, J.; Corve da Silva, S.; Seidelmann, T.; Axt, V.M.; Rastelli, A.; Reiter,D.E.; Weihs, G. (2022): SUPER Scheme in Action: Experimental Demonstration of Red[1]Detuned Excitation of a Quantum Emitter.
In: ACS Nanoletters 2022 (DOI)

Bergmeister Stefan, PhD
Stefan worked in the group of Prof. Paul Scheier and defended his thesis on "Laser Spectroscopy of Atomic and Molecular Clusters Embedded in Helium Nanodroplets" on June 17th 2024 at the University of Innsbruck. During his PhD he spent research stays at J.Heyrovský Institute for Physical Chemistry, Prague, CZ, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, US, European XFEL GmbH, Schenefeld, DE andFriedrich Schiller Universität Jena, DE.
Current employment: University of Innsbruck, AT, Postdoc
Bergmeister, S.; Kollotzek, S.; Calvo, F.; Gruber, E.; Zappa, F.; Scheier, P.; Echt, O. (2022): Adsorption of Helium and Hydrogen on Triphenylene and 1,3,5-Triphenylbenzene
In: Molecules 2022, 27(15), 4937 (DOI) (Web link)
Bergmeister, S.; Ganner, L.; Locher, J., Zappa, F.; Scheier, P., Gruber, E. (2023): Spectroscopy of helium-tagged molecular ions—Development of a novel experimental setup.
In: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 055105 (DOI) (Web link)
Bergmeister, S.; Ganner, L.; Ončák, M.; Gruber, E.; (2024): Gas-Phase Electronic Structure of Phthalocyanine Ions: A Study of Symmetry and Solvation Effects.
In: Advanced Science, Vol 11, Issue 12. (DOI) (Web link)

Trenkwalder Lea, PhD
Lea worked in the group of Prof. Hans Briegel. Lea defended her thesis on "Applications and Interpretability of Reinforcement Learning in Quantum Computation and Beyond" on June 3 rd 2024 at the University of Innsbruck. During her PhD time she spent research stays at the University of Leiden, NL. Lea is part of the innovative card game creation "Seeker - A trading card game for outreach in science”.
Current employment: University of Innsbruck, AT & Cofounder Onestone Studios

Holzinger Raphael, PhD
During his PhD studies Raphael worked in the group of Prof. Helmut Ritsch and defended his thesis on "Harnessing Cooperative
Phenomena in Quantum Emitter Ensembles" on December 7th 2023 at the University of Innsbruck. During his PhD he spent research stays at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, DE, Columbia University and Harvard University, both US
Current employment: University of Innsbruck, AT, Postdoc
Scheil, V.; Holzinger, R.; Moreno-Cardoner, M.; Ritsch, H. (2023): Optical Properties of Concentric Nanorings of Quantum Emitters.
In: Nanomaterials 13/5, No. 851. (DOI) (Web link)
Ritsch, H.; Holzinger, R. (2023): Minimalistic quantum devices build of dipole-coupled nanoscopic arrays of quantum emitters.
In: Zayats, A. V.; Yuan, X.-C.: SPIE-CLP Conference on Advanced Photonics 2023. 22-24 August 2023, San Diego, California, United States. Bellingham, WA: The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Publishing Services (= Proceedings of SPIE, 12746)., Nr. 1274603. (DOI) (Web link)
Holzinger, R.; Gutiérrez-Jáuregui, R.; Hönigl-Decrinis, T.; Kirchmair, G.; Asenjo-Garcia, A.; Ritsch, H (2022): Control of Localized Single- and Many-Body Dark States in Waveguide QED.
In: Physical Review Letters 129/25, No. 253601. (DOI) (Web link)

Matthias Englbrecht, PhD
Matthias worked in the group of Prof. Barbara Kraus and defended his thesis on "Entanglement and correlations in multipartite systems" on November 10th 2023 at the University of Innsbruck. During his PhD he spent research stays at Donostia International Physics Center, ES, University of Grenoble-Alpes, LPMMC, FR and Universität Freiburg, DE. When Barbara Kraus was appointed as Head of the Chair of Quantum Algorithms and Applications at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), in 2023, Matthias followed her to TUM.
Current employment: cnxtechnology, Munich, DE, Data modelling and machine learning
Englbrecht, M.; Kraft, T.; Kraus, B. (2022): Transformations of Stabilizer States in Quantum Networks.
In: Quantum. The Open Journal for Quantum Science 6, Nr. 846. (DOI) (Web link)
Hebenstreit, M.; Englbrecht, M.; Spee, C.; de Vicente, J.; Kraus, B. (2021): Measurement outcomes that do not occur and their role in entanglement transformations.
In: New Journal of Physics 23/3, No. 033046. (Full-text) (DOI) (Web link)
Englbrecht, M.; Kraus, B. (2020): Symmetries and entanglement of stabilizer states.
In: Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) 101/6, No. 062302. (DOI) (Web link)

Ulrich Czopak, PhD
Franziska worked in the group of Prof. Gregor Weihs and defended his thesis on SNonlinear Interactions of Confined Microcavity Polaritons on September 18th 2023 at the University of Innsbruck. During his PhD Uli spent research stays at Stanford University, US, Universität Würzburg, DE and ETH Zürich, CH.
Current employment: IdM Energiesysteme in Matrei i.O. / AT

Siegfried Kollotzek, PhD
Sigi worked in the group of Prof. Paul Scheier and defended his thesis on "How to dope multiply charged superfluid helium nano droplets" on July 28th 2023 at the University of Innsbruck. During his PhD he spent various research stays at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, IN, Instituto de Fisica Fundamental, Madrid, ES and University of Hawaii, Manoa, US.
Current employment: Medical University Innsbruck, AT
Bergmeister, S.; Kollotzek, S.; Calvo, F.; Gruber, E.; Zappa, F.; Scheier, P.; Echt, O. (2022): Adsorption of Helium and Hydrogen on Triphenylene and 1,3,5-Triphenylbenzene.
In: Molecules 27/15, S. 4937 - 4950. (DOI) (Weblink)
Kollotzek, S.; Lushchikova, O.V.; Tiefenthaler, L.; Zappa, F.; Scheier, P. (2022): Efficient Formation of Size-Selected Clusters upon Pickup of Dopants into Multiply Charged Helium Droplets.
In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23/7, No. 3613. (DOI) (Weblink)
Kollotzek, S.; Bergmeister, S.; Tiefenthaler, L.; Albertini, S.; Gruber, E.; Zappa, F.; Scheier, P.; Echt, O. (2021): On the stability of neon cluster ions eEvidence for isomeric.
In: International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 462, No. 116528. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)

Franziska Dahlmann, PhD
Franziska worked in the group of Prof. Roland Wester and defended her thesis on Spectroscopy of inter- and intramolecular vibrations
in weakly bound ionic systems on July 21st 2023 at the University of Innsbruck. During her PhD Franziska spent time abroad at Radboud University, FELIX Laboratory, NL, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, CH and Yale University , US.
Current employment: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE, Postdoc
Dahlmann F., Jusko P., Lara-Moreno M., Halvick P., Marimuthu A.N., Michaelsen T., Wild R., Geistlinger K., Schlemmer S., Stoecklin T., Wester R., Brünken S. (2022): Predissociation spectroscopy of cold CN−H2 and CN−D2.
In: Molecular Physics, e2085204 (DOI)
Dahlmann F., Lochmann C., Marimuthu A.N., Lara-Moreno M., Stoecklin T., Halvick P., Raoult M., Dulieu O., Wild R., Schlemmer S., Brünken S., Wester R., (2021): Strong ortho/para effects in the vibrational spectrum of Cl−(H2).
In: JCP, 155, 241101 (DOI)
Dahlmann F., Dinu D., Jusko P., Lochmann C., Gstir T., Marimuthu A., Liedl K., Brünken S., Wester R., (2023): Vibrational Predissociation Spectra of C2N- and C3N-: Bending and Stretching Vibrations.
In: ChemPhysChem, e202300262 (DOI)

Sofiene Jerbi, PhD
Sofiene worked in the group of Prof. Hans Jürgen Briegel and defended his thesis on March 9th 2022 at the University of Innsbruck. During his PhD, he mainly investigated the speed-ups that quantum computers can offer. He spent time abroad at Leiden University, NL, Freie Universität Berlin, DE and Los Alamos National Laboratory, US.
Current employment: Freie Universität Berlin, DE, Postdoc
Jerbi S., Gyurik C., Marshall S., Briegel H. J., & Dunjko V. (2021): Parametrized quantum policies for reinforcement learning
In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 34, 28362-2837 (DOI)
Jerbi S., Fiderer L. J., Poulsen Nautrup H., Kübler J. M., Briegel H. J., & Dunjko V. (2023): Quantum machine learning beyond kernel methods
In: Nature Communications, 14 (1), 517 (DOI)
Jerbi S., Trenkwalder L. M., Poulsen Nautrup H., Briegel H. J., & Dunjko V. (2021): Quantum enhancements for deep reinforcement learning in large spaces
In: PRX Quantum, 2(1), 010328 (DOI)

Artem Rakcheev, PhD
Artem worked in the group of Prof. Andreas Läuchli and defended his thesis on November 21st 2022 at the University of Innsbruck. During his PhD, he mainly worked on quantum dynamics of many-body systems including topics such as heating in Floquet systems and quantum annealing. He spent time abroad at Boston University (US) with Anatoli Polkovnikov and in the new group of Prof. Läuchli at the Paul Scherrer Institut (CH).
Current employment: Leinweber&Zimmermann, DE, Patent attorney trainee
Rakcheev A., Läuchli A.M. (2022): Estimating heating times in periodically driven quantum many-body,
In: Phys.Rev.Research 4, 043174 (DOI)
Rakcheev, A., Läuchli, A.M. (2022): Dynamics of a pair of magnetic dipoles with nonreciprocal interactions due to a moving conductor.
In: PRB, 106, 174435 (DOI)

Elisa Soave, PhD
Elisa worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Rudolf Grimm and focused on Interaction Properties of an Ultracold Fermi-Fermi Mixture of Dysprosium and Potassium Atoms. During her PhD studies she visited the group of Martin Zwierlein, MIT, US. Elisa defended her thesis at the University of Innsbruck on July 12th 2022.
Current employment: Bosch Sensortec, Reutlingen, DE, Optomechanical engineerSoave, E.; Corre, V.; Ravensbergen, C.; Han H.J., Kreyer, M.; Kirilov, E.; Grimm, R. (2022): Low-field Feshbach resonances and three-body losses in a fermionic quantum gas of 161Dy .
In: Ukr. J. Phys (DOI)

Govind Unnikrishnan, PhD
Govind worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Nägerl and focused on Cooling, Transport and Mixing of Ultracold K and Cs. During his PhD studies he visited the group of Dan Stamper-Kurn, UC Berkeley, US. Govind defended his thesis at the University of Innsbruck on June 30th 2022.
Current employment: University of Stuttgart, DE, PostdocIn: SciPost Phys 6, 047 (DOI)

Maximillian Zanner, PhD
Max worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kirchmair and focused on coherent control of a multi-qubit dark state in waveguide quantum electrodynamics. During his PhD studies he visited the group of Andreas Wallraff, ETH Zurich, CH. Max defended his thesis at the University of Innsbruck on June 3rd 2022.
Current employment: Qantum machines, DEIn: Nature Physics 18, 538-543 (2022) (DOI)
In: Phys. Rev. A 105, 063701 (DOI)

Katharina Geistlinger, PhD
Katharina worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Roland Wester on High Resolution Spectroscopy of biomolecules produced in an electrospray ionisation (ESI) source. During her PhD studies she visited the FELIX Laboratory in Nijmegen, NL. She defended her thesis on April 4th 2022.

Elvia Colella, PhD
Elvia worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Helmut Ritsch and focused on Quantum many-body dynamics of ultra-cold gases in cavity mediated opical potentials. During her PhD studies she visited the group of Jean-Philippe Brantut at EPFL, CH. Elvia defended her thesis at the University of Innsbruck on March 3rd 2022.
Current employment: private Industry, Market analysist

Jakob Heller, PhD
Jakob worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Martin Beyer and defened his thesis 'Photochemistry and Spectroscopy of Hydrated Metal Ions, M+(H2O)n, M = Al and V' on February 24th 2022. During his PhD studies he visited two times the group of Joost Bakker at Radboud University (FELIX Laboratory), NL and the group of Manfred Kappes at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE.
Current employment: private Industry
Heller J, Ončák M, Bersenkowitsch N, van der Linde C, Beyer M (2019): Infrared multiple photon dissociation of cesium iodide clusters doped with mono-, di- and triglycine
in: Eur J Mass Spec 25 (2019) DOI

Max Sohmen, PhD
Max worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Francesca Ferlaino. Max worked in the RARE team and focused on the development of a new optical-lattice setup for dipolar quantum gases. During his PhD studies he visited the groups of Markus Greiner at Harvard University, US, the group of Immanuel Bloch at MPQ, DE and Jerome Beugnon's group at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, FR. Max defended his thesis at the University of Innsbruck on January 14th 2022.
Current employment: Medizinische Universität Innsbruck, AT, Postdocin: Nature 596 (2021) DOI
* = contributed equally

Malcolm Simpson, PhD
Malcolm worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Roland Wester were he worked on laser spectroscopy of trapped molecular ions of astrochemical interest. During his PhD studies he visited the groups Wolf Geppert, University of Stockholm, SE, Laurent Hilico, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, FR and Wolfgang Ernst, Technische Universität Graz, AT. He worked also on the Felix Freeelectron Laser at the University of Nijmegen, NL. Malcolm defended his thesis at the University of Innsbruck on January 14th 2022.
Current employment: European Patent Office, Den Haag, NL, Patent examiner for mass spectrometryin: Physical Review Letters 127/4, No. 043001 (2021)DOI
in: The Journal of Chemical Physics 153, No. 184309 (2020) DOI
Lakhmanskaya, O.; Simpson, M.; Wester, R. (2020): Vibrational overtone spectroscopy of cold trapped hydroxyl anions.

Isabella Fritsche, PhD
Isabella worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Rudolf Grimm on the FeLiKx experiment. During her PhD studies she visited the groups of Giacomo Roati at the LENS, Florence, IT and the group of Fabrice Gerbier at the ENS / LKB in Paris, FR. She defended her thesis at the University of Innsbruck on August 2nd 2021.
Current employment: PlanQC, Munich, DE, Hardware engineer
Christian M. Schneider, PhD
Christian worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kirchmair on Magnetic coupling between Superconducting Circuits and a Cantilever. During his PhD studies he visited the groups of Dieter Kölle and Reinholf Kleiner at the Universität Tübingen, DE and the group of Konrad Lehnert at the University of Colorado, US. He defended his thesis at the University of Innsbruck on July 16th 2021.
Current employment: Walther-Meissner-Institute (WMI), PostdocRosenthal, E.I.; Schneider, C.M.F.; Malnou, M.; Zhao, Z.; Leditzky, F.; Chapman, B.J.; Wustmann, W.; Ma, X.; Palken, D.A.; Zanner, M.F.; Vale, L.R.; Hilton, G.C.; Gao, J.; Smith, G.; Kirchmair, G.; Lehnert, K.W. (2021): Efficient and Low-Backaction Quantum Measurement Using a Chip-Scale Detector
in: Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 090503 (2021) (DOI)
Heidler, P.; Schneider, C.M.F.; Kustura, K.; Gonzalez-Ballestero, C.; Romero-Isart, O.; Kirchmair, G. (2021): Observing Non-Markovian Effects of Two-Level Systems in a Niobium Coaxial Resonator with a Single-Photon Lifetime of 10 ms
in: will be published PR Applied (DOI)
Nina Bersenkowitsch, PhD
Nina worked in the group of Prof. Dr. Martin Beyer on Photochemistry of salt clusters doped with atmospherically relevant species. During her PhD studies she visited 2 times the group of Ruth Signorell, ETH Zurich, CH, Mark Johnson's group at the University of Yale, US, and Vickie Grassian's group at the University of San Diego, US. She obtained her PhD at the University on November 30th 2020.
Current employment: Tirol Kliniken GmbH, AT, Medical physicistBersenkowitsch, N.; Oncak, M.; van der Linde, C.; Herburger, A.; Beyer, M.K. (2018): Photochemistry of glyoxylate embedded in sodium chloride clusters, a laboratory model for tropospheric sea-salt aerosols
in: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 8143-8151 (DOI)
Bersenkowitsch, N.; Oncak, M.; Heller, J.; van der Linde, C.; Beyer, M.K. (2018): Photodissociation of Sodium Iodide Clusters Doped with Small Hydrocarbons
in: Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 12433-12443 (DOI)
Bersenkowitsch, N.; Oncak, M.; Heller, J.; Pascher, T.F.; van der Linde, C.; Beyer, M.K. (2020): Evidence for lactone formation during infrared multiple photon dissociation spectroscopy of bromoalkanoate doped salt clusters
in: Chys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 020, 22, 12028-12038 (DOI)
Gianmaria Durastante, PhD
Gianmaria worked in the group of Prof.a Dr. Francesca Ferlaino on the RARE (Rydberg Atoms with Rare Earths) experiment on Creation of Erbium-Dysprosium Dipolar Quantum Mixtures and their
Interspecies Feshbach Resonances. During his PhD studies he visited the group of Florian Schreck at University of Amsterdam, NL, and the group of Manuel Endres, Caltech, California Institute of Technology, US. He received his PhD in Innsbruck on November 30th 2020.
Current employment: Besi Netherlands B.V., NL, Metrology engineer
Michael Rader, PhD
Michael worked in the group of Prof. Andreas Läuchli, where he studied and worked on Tensor network state methods and applications for strongly correlated quantum many-body systems. During his PhD studies, he visited the group of Frank Verstraete and Jutho Haegeman at University of Ghent, BE and the group of Frank Pollmann at Technical University of Munich, DE for research. He received his PhD in Innsbruck on Septemer 25th 2020.
Current employment: Fraunhofer Austria, AT, Data scientist
Selected publications
Rader, M.; Hebenstreit, M.; Zillich, R. E. (2017): The multi-component correlated basis function method and its application to multilayered dipolar Bose gases.
In: Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) 95/3, No. 033625. (DOI) (Web link)
Lorenz Ballauf, PhD
Lorenz worked in the group of Prof. Paul Scheier, where he studied and worked on ion-surface interactions on a single particle level. During his PhD studies, he visited the J.H. Institute for Physical Chemistry, CZ, the Forschungszentrum Jülich, DE and the University of Hawaii,US for research. These collaborations lead to various publications. He received his PhD in Innsbruck on July 31st 2020.
Current employment: Mattro GmbH, AT
Selected publications
Ballauf, L.; Hechenberger, F.; Bohme, D.K.; Scheier, P. (2020): Ablation of tungsten surfaces in collisions with Ar+, He+ and N2+ cation projectiles in the presence of D2.
In: International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 448, No. 116252. (DOI) (Web link)
Fárník, Michal; Pysanenko, Andriy; Moriová, Kamila; Ballauf, Lorenz; Scheier, Paul; Chalabala, Jan; Slavícek, Petr (2018): Ionization of Ammonia Nanoices With Adsorbed Methanol Molecules.
In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part A: Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment and General Theory 122/43, pp. 8458 - 8468. (DOI) (Web link)
Hendrik Poulsen-Nautrup, PhD
Hendrik worked in the group of Prof. Hans Briegel on machine learning methodologies for quantum information. During his PhD studies, he visited the University of British Columbia, CA, Microsoft Station Q, US, State University of New York at Stony Brook, US, and the ETH Zürich, CH. He received his PhD in Innsbruck on July 7th 2020.
Current employment: University of Innsbruck, Postdoc & Co-founder Onestone Studios
Selected publications
Flamini, Fulvio; Hamann, Arne; Jerbi, S.; Trenkwalder, Lea; Poulsen Nautrup, H.; Briegel, Hans J. (2020): Photonic architecture for reinforcement learning.
In: New Journal of Physics 22, No. 045002. (DOI) (Web link)
Lorenz Kranabetter, PhD
Lorenz worked on the helium nanodroplet experiment and explored the unique properties of these systems in cluster growth mechanisms, ion molecule reactions, and spectroscopy in the group of Prof. Paul Scheier. During his PhD studies, he visited the University of Southern California, Vitaly Kresin, Los Angeles, US. This collaboration was relevant publications with Vitaly Kresin. He received his PhD in Innsbruck on January 21st 2020.
Current employment: University of Aarhus, NL, Postdoc
Selected publications
J. W. Niman, B. S. Kamerin, D. J. Merthe, L. Kranabetter, V. V. Kresin, Oriented Polar Molecules Trapped in Cold Helium Nanodropets: Electrostatic Deflection, Size Separation, and Charge Migration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 165301
L. Kranabetter, N. K. Bersenkowitsch, P. Martini, M. Gatchell, M. Kuhn, F. Laimer, A. Schiller, M. K. Beyer, M. Oncak, P. Scheier, Considerable matrix shift in the electronic transitions of helium-solvated cesium dimer cation Cs2He+n, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys, 2019, 21, 25362-25368
Davide Orsucci, PhD
Davide worked on quantum algorithms in the theory group of Prof. Hans J. Briegel. For example, he published two quantum algorithms to solve systems of linear equations. During his PhD studies, he visited the Center for Quantum Information and Control in Albuquerque and the Singapore University of Technology and Design. He received his PhD in Innsbruck on October 30th 2019 and worked as a postdoc at University of Basel, CH, in the Quantum Optics theory group, Sangourad group in 2019.
current employment: German Aerospace Center (DLR), DE
Selected publications
Y. Subaşı, R.D. Somma, D. Orsucci, Quantum Algorithms for Systems of Linear Equations Inspired by Adiabatic Quantum Computing, Physical Review Letters 122, 060504 (2019)
D. Orsucci, H.J. Briegel, V. Dunjko, Faster quantum mixing for slowly evolving sequences of Markov chains, Quantum 2, 105 (2018)
David Plankensteiner, PhD
David worked on on quantum optics and cavity QED in the group of Prof. Helmut Ritsch. He worked in the field of quantum optics with dipole-dipole interaction of quantum emitters. During his PhD studies, he visited JILA Institute - University of Colorado, Boulder, US, Max Planck Insitute for Science and Light, DE and ICFO - The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, ES. He received his PhD in Innsbruck on July 8th 2019.
Current employment: Txture, AT, Sales manager
Selected publications
D. Plankensteiner, C. Sommer, H. Ritsch, C. Genes, C., Cavity Antiresonance Spectroscopy of Dipole Coupled Subradiant Arrays. Physical Review Letters 119/9, No. 093601 (2017)
S. Krämer, D. Plankensteiner, L. Ostermann, H. Ritsch, QuantumOptics.jl: A Julia framework for simulating open quantum systems, Computer Physics Communications 227, pp. 109 - 116 (2018)
David Sauerwein, PhD
David worked on entanglement in quantum many-body systems in the group of Prof.a Barbara Kraus. He quantified and investigated new transformations of multipartite entanglement. During his PhD studies, he visited Gilad Gour at University of Calgary in Canada and he worked with the research group of Ignacio Cirac at MPQ Garching in Germany. He received his PhD in Innsbruck on Feb.19th 2019.
Current employment: aws, CH, Data scientist
Selected publications
C. Spee, J.I. de Vecente, D. Sauerwein, B. Kraus: Entangled Pure State Transformations via Local Operations Assisted by Finitely Many Rounds of Classical Communication. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 040503 (2017)
D. Sauerwein, N.R. Wallach, G. Gour, B. Kraus: Transformations among Pure Multipartite Entangled States via Local Operations are Almost Never Possible. Phys. Rev. X 8, 031020 (2018)