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„Enforced Disappearance, Half Widows and the Lived Realities of Women“
A study exploring the continuum of gender violence between war and peace through the case study of Women in Jammu and Kashmir
Beitrag storniert
Syed Tahseen Raza


In the prevailing times, the issues related to the gendered impact of wars and conflicts have merited at least noticeable if not altogether adequate attention. However, the existing measures like the UNSC resolution 1325 and the consequent WPS agenda which were expected to bring decisive changes couldn’t live up to the expectations. It was so because the overall gaze got fixated to mostly the war time or conflict specific duration and hence the contingent prescription couldn’t properly account for the real reasons which were deep rooted and existed well beyond the immediate spell. My work explores this thesis.
This work by closely analyzing the case of the women of Kashmir (a conflict ridden region in India) - by looking at enforced disappearance, missing persons, half widows etc., and their impact on women during the otherwise ‘normal times’ - tries to highlight how gender violence actually crosses over through the war to normal times.
On the basis of the case study, it is hypothesized that any attempt at bringing amend in the existing predicament must holistically interrogate the deep rooted structures and norms which hierarchise the gender even during the so called ‘normal’ times. Thus, this work, suggests that the war time and peacetime policies addressing gender violence needs to be holistically and judiciously integrated.


Zur Person

Syed Tahseen Raza is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Strategic and Security Studies, Faculty of International Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. He is deeply interested in Peace Research and is working on Women, Peace and Security.


Panel 12: Politik, Identität und Biographie

Zeit: Freitag, 08. November 2019, 09:00-10:30 Uhr
Raum: Seminarraum 3, Universitätsstraße 15, 1. Stock WEST


Veranstaltet von der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Geschlechterforschung und der FP Center Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung Innsbruck (CGI) in Kooperation mit dem Büro für Gleichstellung und Gender Studies der Universität Innsbruck.





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