Office for the Bologna Process
and Teaching Development
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The Diploma Supplement (DS)
An attachment to an academic diploma - termed “Diploma Supplement” - creates transparency and improves the international recognition of qualifications. The European Commission awarded the University of Innsbruck for the second time for the exemplary implementation of these Bologna-instruments.
What is the Diploma Supplement?
Upon graduation the University of Innsbruck automatically provides every student with a Diploma Supplement (DS) free of charge. The DS is handed out together with the diploma certificate, the diploma and the transcript of records. An explanatory note about the Austrian Higher Education System is also enclosed to the DS. The documents are issued in both English and German.
Function of the Diploma Supplement (DS)
The DS is one of the core components of the Bologna Process. It is a document attached to a higher education diploma aiming at improving international ‘transparency' and (student) mobility in a diverse European Higher Education Area by facilitating the academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended.
Benefits of the Diploma Supplement
Benefits for students: A precise description of study performances and competences acquired during the study period fosters transparency of academic qualifications. Employability increases, consistent descriptions following standardised international guidelines facilitate access to labour markets abroad. The DS therefore fosters mobility.
Benefits for Higher Education Institutions: Because of standardize description the DS raises the visibility of institutions and their profile abroad. Academic recognition will be facilitated, thus increasing transparency of acquired qualifications.
What it is not?
The DS is not a Curriculum Vitae.
The DS is not a substitute for the original qualification or a transcript of records
The DS is no guarantee for the recognition of diplomas or examinations.
Structure of the Diploma Supplement (DS)
The DS is provided according to a template following the guidelines of the Austrian University Data Decree “Studienevidenzverordnung 2004” (Par. 6 and appendix 2), BGBl. II Nr. 288/2004
The DS is divided into eight sections
information identifying the holder of the qualification
information identifying the qualification
information on the level of the qualification
information on the contents and results gained
information on the function of the qualification
additional informationcertification of the DS
information on the national higher education system.
Further Information An example for the DS (in English) issued by the University of Innsbruck