



Head of Institute

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Marcel Kwiatkowski @ +43 512 507 57527

Administrative Staff

Gabriele Reiter @ +43 512 507 57501
Petra Engele, PhD (P/T) @ +43 512 507 57506

Group Leader

a.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Hartl @ +43 512 507 57511
Alexander Heberle, PhD @ +43 512 507 57521
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Marcel Kwiatkowski @ +43 512 507 57527
José Ramos Pittol, PhD @ +43 512 507 57514
Martina Prugger, Dipl.-Ing., PhD @ +43 512 507 57517

Research Associates and Students

Cecilia Barile, MSc @ +43 512 507 57523
Anna-Sophia Egger, MSc @ +43 512 507 57516
Florian Hatzmann, PhD @ +43 512 507 57554
Tobias Kipura, MSc @ +43 512 507 57510
Lea Timpen, BSc @ +43 512 507 57518
Leonie Weber, MSc @ +43 512 507 57550
Yang Zhang, PhD @ +43 512 507 57510

Technical Staff

Madlen Hotze, MSc @ +43 512 507 57525
Kane Puglisi, Bakk. @ +43 512 507 57522
Andrea Raffeiner, MSc, Lab Manager (on maternal leave) @ +43 512 507 57512
Anja Reintjes (P/T) @ +43 512 507 57552
Brigitte Reiter @ +43 512 507 57585

Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB)

Christina Kröß, PhD @ +43 512 507 57560
Bernhard Sprenger, BSc @  +43 512 507 57560
Kevin Vincze, MSc @ +43 512 507 57560

Professor Emeritus

em. o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Bister @

Retired Professor

a.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Auer, retired @
a.o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Schneider @ +43 512 507 57561
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