Brief overview of the Cronos MHD code

Alfven wing test

Here, the speed of the fluid is shown (color-coded) together with the magnetic field direction (white lines).

Cronos is optimised for

  • General hyperbolic equations
  • Compressible hydrodynamics
  • Compressible MHD
  • Special relativistic hydrodynamics

Some features of Cronos

  • Highly modular code structure
  • Conservative, shock capturing scheme
  • Second order accuracy
  • Constrained transport MHD
  • MPI parallel
  • Different Riemann solvers
  • Different grid geometries

Code verification

Obtaining the code

Some technical references

Kissmann, R., Kleimann, J., Krebl, B. & Wiengarten, T., The CRONOS Code for Astrophysical Magnetohydrodynamics ApJS 236, 53 (2018)
Flaig, M., Ruoff, P., Kley, W. & Kissmann, R., Global structure of magnetorotationally turbulent protoplanetary discs, MNRAS, 420, 2419-2428, (2012)
Kissmann, R., Pomoell, J. & Kley, W., A central conservative scheme for general rectangular grids, J. Comp. Phys., 228, 2119-2131, (2009)

Some application references

Reitberger, K., Kissmann, R., Reimer, O. & Reimer, A., 3D magneto-hydrodynamic models of non-thermal photon emission in the binary system γ2 Velorum ApJ 847, 40, (2017)
Kissmann, R., Reitberger, K., Reimer, O. Reimer, A & Grimaldo, E., Colliding-wind Binaries with Strong Magnetic Fields ApJ 831, 121, (2016)
Reitberger, K., Kissmann, R., Reimer, A, & Reimer, O., Simulating Three-dimensional Nonthermal High-energy Photon Emission in Colliding-wind Binaries, ApJ, 789, 87, (2014)
Wiengarten, T., Kleimann, J., Fichtner, H., Kühl, P., Kopp, A., Heber, B. & Kissmann, R. Cosmic Ray Transport in Heliospheric Magnetic Structures. I. Modeling Background Solar Wind Using the CRONOS Magnetohydrodynamic Code, ApJ, 788, 80, (2014)
Flaig, M., Ruoff, P., Kley, W. & Kissmann, R., Global structure of magnetorotationally turbulent protoplanetary discs, MNRAS, 420, 2419-2428, (2012)
Kissmann, R. Kleimann, J. Fichtner, H. & Grauer, R., Local turbulence simulations for the multiphase ISM, MNRAS, 391, 1577-, (2008)
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