Projects and Science

Passementerie buttons from Lengberg Castle


Gina Barrett, Buttons



Gina Barrett

Buttons : A Passementerie Workshop Manual 2013


More than 2700 textile fragments from the 15th century have been recovered at Lengberg Castle in 2008. Among the finds were two thread (or passementerie) buttons1 and several wooden moulds used for button production. Instructions on how to make these buttons can be found in Gina Barretts book on page 30. On page 82 a short essay by Beatrix Nutz provides information on provenience, dating and use of these buttons.

1 Buttons are referred to as thread or passementerie buttons when a mould is covered with threads (sewing silk, strands, braids, cords, silver and gold threads, and the like).

Translated from: Martina Rauch, Textile Knöpfe- Herstellungstechnik, geschichtliche Entwicklung und Art der Verwendung - mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zwirnknöpfe. Unpubl. Diplomarbeit/Masters thesis  (Salzburg 2008), Seite 21.


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