Language and games enthusiasts can play board, dice, card and guessing games on four dates. Games are played in the languages of English, French, Italian and Spanish at Café UBI-Chat (Innrain 52f, Bruno-Sander-Haus, ground floor) on the following Wednesday evenings from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. resp.:
- 22 October 2014
- 12 November 2014
- 10 December 2014
- 21 January 2015
Attendance of the games evenings is free of charge. Please book in advance to facilitate organisation. More information at
Announcement of IELTS exam dates
On 5 and 6 December 2014 you can again pass IELTS exams at the isi. IELTS (= International English Testing System) is an internationally approved test for assessing language proficiency. More information on the exam and registration as well as on the free information afternoon on 12 November 2014 can be found at
You also find us on Facebook:
Dr. Katrin Mayr
Head of the International Language Center of the University of Innsbruck (isi)
Innrain 52f / Bruno-Sander-Haus / 1. Stock
6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43(0)512/507-36401