FWF-Project P22642-G19: Between Aphrodite-Temple and Late-Archaic House I
» General information
» 1. Scientific Aspects
1.1 Hypothesis: Power formation through religion and colonial contact in archaic Western Sicily
1.2 International research status on indigenous religions and sanctuaries on archaic Sicily
1.3 The innovative aspect: Archaeology and Robert Bellah’s “Religion and Society”
1.4 Goal of the project: new insights into the interdependence of religion and power in a pre-global contact area
1.5 Implementing the project’s goal
1.5.1 Status of preliminary research: Placing the gods on Monte Iato
1.5.2 Planned archaeological fieldwork
a) Sondage I
b) Sondage II
c) Archaeobotanical and archaeozoological studies
1.6 Methods of analyzing socio‐archaeological finds
FWF-Project P27073: Between Aphrodite-Temple and Late-Archaic House II
» General information
» I Innovative aspect: Coloniality/locality as empowerment/de-empowerment of local elites in sanctuaries of interior contact zones
» II Hypotheses
» III Aim of the project
» IV Process for the proposed individual project ‘Between Aphrodite-temple and LA-House II (2014-2017)’
IV.1 Area IV: In the Aphrodite-Temple and at the altar-place
IV.2 Area I: Beneath the late-Archaic ramp
IV.3 Area II: Exterior level north of the LA-House
IV.4 Consumptionscapes as archaeological showcases on the counter-cultural dynamics between empowering coloniality and de-empowering locality
IV.5 Objects in movement, social networking and empowerment
IV.6 The religious sites around the Aphrodite-Temple to the east of the altar
» V Literature
» VI Staff