Research projects of the principal investigator
- The Boundaries of Fact and Fiction: Barbary Captivity Narratives (1530–1820), FWF Stand-Alone project (€403,220.90)
- The Marco Polo of Christopher Columbus – Francesco Pipino’s Latin Version of Il Milione, FWF Stand-Alone project (€406,305.49)
- MENS – Medieval Explorations in Neuro-Science (1050–1450): Ontology-Based Keyword Spotting in Manuscript Scans, Research Südtirol/Alto Adige 2019 (€299,786.68)
- TEI Converter for E-Book and Print Editions, Austrian Academy of Sciences, CLARIAH-AT (€20,000.00)
- Maximilian goes digital: From “remembrance” to data storage, Office of the Tyrolean Regional Government and Provincial Capital of Innsbruck, Year of Maximilian 2019 (€500,000.00)
- SLAVES – SchülerInnen leiten eine Ausstellungsvorbereitung zu europäischen Sklaven, Sparkling Science project (€169,081.00)
- KONDE – Kompetenznetzwerk Digitale Edition, HRSM project, Subproject (€51,000.00)
- Ambraser Heldenbuch: Transcription and Scientific Dataset, ÖAW go!digital 2.0 project (€146,652.00)
- Pirates and Slaves in the Mediterranean: Jubilee exhibition for the 350th anniversary of the University of Innsbruck – Schloss Ambras Innsbruck (€75,000.00)
- ESCAPE – European Slaves: Christians in African Pirate Encounters: Barbary Coast Captivity Narratives (1550–1780), FWF Stand-Alone project (€275,623.95)
- Framing Media: The Periphery of Fiction and Film (1919–1936), FWF Stand-Alone project (€209,782.43)