Theses and internships

PhD theses:
Hanna Pritsch (University of Innsbruck, Research Department for Limnology, Mondsee) with the title:
Alpine Limnology and its relevance for Ecosystem Services under Climate Change

Manuel Ebner (University of Innsbruck, Institute for Ecology and EURAC) with the title:
A social-ecological system perspective on mountain lakes: integrated assessment for sustainable management

Katharina Enigl (University Vienna, Department of Meteorology and Geophysics)

MSc theses:
Alexander Kiessling (University of Innsbruck, Institute for Ecology) with the title:
Welche natürlichen und anthropogenen Faktoren beeinflussen kulturelle Ökosystemleistungen alpiner Seen?

Jessica Pilgram (SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Science) with the title:
Environmental pressures on ecosystem services of mountain lakes

Steffen Büchen (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna - BOKU) with the title:
Temperature anomalies of alpine lakes in the Lower Tauern Region

BSc thesis:
Dominik von Spinn (University of Innsbruck, Research Department for Limnology, Mondsee) with the title:
Sequenzanalyse aus Umwelt DNA als Informationsquelle für den Naturschutz in alpinen Seen

Julia Götsch (HBLA Ursprung - Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Landwirtschaft)
Marylin Danner (HBLA UrsprungHöhere Bundeslehranstalt für Landwirtschaft)
Margherita Capacci (EURAC)

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