2nd International Conference on
Concept Systems and Frames in Terminology (CSFT)
Innsbruck, 25-26 September 2024
The representation of specialized domain knowledge remains a central concern of the study of terminology. In 2022, we organized the first conference on Concept Systems and Frames in Terminology. Given the success of this conference, we are happy to announce that a second edition will be organized in September 2024.
As in the first edition, the aim is to discuss and explore the criteria that should guide the representation of the system of concepts behind the terminology of a domain. As the name of the conference indicates, we aim to contrast on one hand the traditional approach of setting up a concept system or ontology, which represents terms as nodes and relationships as arrows between them, and on the other hand frames, which take the relationships as the basis for the structure of events in the domain.
We expect individual contributions to investigate the realm of representation of specialized domain knowledge, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of concept systems and frames, comparing the two, and proposing solutions to challenges they raise. The main theme of this 2nd conference is Terminology beyond Terms. By this we mean the widest possible spectrum of situations in which something beyond terms proves to be relevant for understanding terminology, and how this factor might be represented within terminological analysis, hence databases. In particular:
- Collocations
ο When collocations are important for terminological analysis;
ο Extraction of collocations from text corpora;
ο How different specialized languages collocate; - Syntactic patterns
ο When syntactic patterns are important for terminological analysis;
ο Syntactic patterns as terminological unit of analysis; - Interfaces with Morphology and Syntax
ο What are the syntagmatic limits of a term;
ο Contrastive analysis of terminology in different languages;
- Pragmatics
ο Sociocultural pragmatic aspects relevant for terminological analysis;
ο Cognitively oriented pragmatic aspects relevant for terminological analysis;
ο Triggering of term variations;
- Representation
ο How can collocations and syntactic patterns be represented in a terminological database;
ο How can pragmatic information be encoded in a termbas
However, papers on all aspects of knowledge representation in specialized domains are also welcome, including those addressing the interaction with other disciplines like translation, lexicography, cognitive science, ontology engineering, computer linguistics, and AI.
It is intended to publish a selection of contributions to the conference as a journal or volume with a major academic publisher.
Please note that the conference will take place exclusively onsite and presentations will not be streamed online
Keynote speakers:
Marie Claude L’Homme (Université de Montréal)
Maria Koliopoulou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Scientific committee:
Pius ten Hacken (Universität Innsbruck)
Rossella Resi (Universität Innsbruck)
Laura Giacomini (Universität Innsbruck)
Jan Engberg (Aarhus University)
María Fernández Parra (Swansea University)
Paolo Frassi (Università degli Studi di Verona)
Ewelina Kwiatek (Pedagogical University of Kraków)
Anita Nuopponen (University of Vaasa)
Renáta Panocová (Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice)
Maria Teresa Zanola (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano)
Henrik Nilsson (CAG Consoden/EAFT)
Pilar León-Aráuz (Universidad de Granada)
Rita Temmerman (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)