ELT Instrumentation project

The University of Innsbruck is specialised on the development of data reduction and calibration software for astronomical instrumentation. Currently, we are participating in the consortia of the following two instruments for the ESO 39m Extremely Large Telescope (ESO):

MICADO: MICADO (Multi-AO Imaging Camera for Deep Observations) will be mainly an imager incorporating spectrocopic capabilities in the near-infrared wavelength regime. The main focus lies on astrometry with unprecedented accuracy enabling to measure even the proper motion of stars at distances like that of the Andromeda galaxy. The imager will also be equipped with more than 30 broad and narrow band filters for accurate photometric measurements. The spectroscopic mode aims at the wavelength range between 0.8 and 2.4µm at a spectral resolving power of R~19000. Supported by adaptive optic systems, MICADO enables broad applications on various fields of research, from exoplanets to cosmology.

METIS : METIS, the Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph, will be one of the most versatile mid-infrared instruments available world-wide. Its various observing modes comprise high-resolution integral-field and low-resolution long-slit spectroscopy, and imaging covering a broad field of application. The main field of research are exoplanets, their formation and surroundings, high-redshift objects and cosmology.

In a previous project , we developed tools to correct for the sky signature and a comprehensive sky model. These tools and their further developments will also be incorporated into the calibration software for the ELT instruments.

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