Program of the electoral list SPAF for the Senate elections 2022–2025
SPAF stands for ...
a comprehensive university in diversity
- SPAF is composed of members from all 16 faculties.
- SPAF is diverse: our list consistently reflects the subject cultures at LFUI in interdisciplinary teams, represents the genders equally, and consists equally of academically older and younger university colleagues.
- SPAF is composed of members from all 16 faculties.
autonomy of faculties and disciplines
- SPAF aims to allow faculties and disciplines sufficient autonomy to pursue their goals. This applies, for example, to the design of curricula, the implementation of appointment procedures or the evaluation of institutions and university members.
a strong senate
- SPAF is in favor of a senate that deals with all important university policy issues and works constructively on sustainable answers.
a trusting collaboration with the other university governing bodies
- SPAF will work jointly and in a solution-oriented manner to pursue goals that are sustainable and benefit everyone at the university.
an open, participatory, and democratic discussion culture
- with the senate curiae, with individual university groups and representatives from each discipline.
- within the list, through ongoing communication of the interdisciplinary teams of three as well as through regular and open preparatory meetings.
SPAF advocates ...
a sustainable, scientifically strong, responsible, and democratic university
- that demonstrates how to make important social contributions and knows how to respond appropriately to new challenges with contributions from all its scientific disciplines.
- that fulfills its task of transferring knowledge to society in an engaging manner.
- that continues to position itself on an international level while remaining regionally anchored.
future-oriented and ambitious teaching
- in attractive studies and curricula.
- with a focus on face-to-face teaching and meaningful integration of digital elements.
cutting-edge research in all subjects and disciplines
- with urgently needed streamlining of faculty appointment procedures and strengthening of search committees.
- sufficient financial and administrative support.
a modern and service-oriented administration
- with further development of service facilities.
- and increased efficiency and optimization of administrative procedures.
motivated and valued employees.
- promotion of all employees.
- ensuring inclusion, gender equality, and diversity.
- further development of personal and institutional evaluations.
SPAF is strong because its members ...
- have experience in cutting-edge research in all disciplines (START, ERC, SFB, doc.funds, D-A-CH projects, FWF referees, management of FFG consortia, etc.);
- have experience in leading different organizational units (faculties, institutes, research centers/platforms/focal points);
- are able to work constructively in the senate, and have experience in leading the senate and cooperating with the other governing bodies;
- maintain a good working relationship with the Austrian University Professors Association (UPV);
- are involved in diverse academic and non-academic networks.
What have we accomplished?
In cooperation with the other senate members, the following results, among others, were achieved in the most recent electoral period:
- Reform of the section of the statutes relating to study law provisions;
- Enactment of the necessary "special provisions" to enable quick responses to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic in teaching;
- Improvement of administrative procedures for enacting or amending curricula (Cukos, AG-Curricula, VR Teaching and Students);
- Improvement of the senate’s internal mode of operations;
- Reform of senate election rules to include absentee voting (pending resolution);
- Improvement of cooperation with the Cukos at the faculties and the Vice Rectorate for Teaching and Students;
- Re-establishment of the senate office as a "service location".