LFU:online mobile version
A mobile version of LFU:online, the service portal of the University of Innsbruck, now offers students easy mobile access to their data … more »»
Innsbruck Model United Nations
Model United Nations (MUN) are simulated United Nations conferences for students and young academics who are interested in trying on the role of UN diplomat and testing their abilities to negotiate and compromise in intense negotiations with students from around the world. Participants can also practice important soft skills in intercultural communication … more »»
Summer School 2014 "Mummies & Glacial Archaeology" 6-16 July 2014
In July 2014, the University of Innsbruck and the European Academy of Bozen are offering for the first time a joint summer school program on the topic "Mummies and Glacial Archaeology" … more »» (Foto: © Südtiroler Archäologiemuseum/EURAC/Marco Samadelli-Gregor Staschitz
News from the Kinderbüro
News: "Childcare during the semester break", "Open house at SpielRäume" and "Babysitter Exchange" … more »»
Courses – Summer Semester 2014
For all those interested in improving their foreign language skills or learning a new language, registration for isi language course starts on 17.2.2014. Course registration and payment can be completed entirely online or directly at the isi … more »»
Gender Studies at the University of Innsbruck
Gender continues – despite all the rhetoric – to play an enormous role in society, and it can be of critical importance to the individual. Even in the choice of field of study and profession, several areas show striking gender-based patterns that cannot be explained by personal inclinations alone … more »» (Foto: istockphoto.com)
Dolce Vita – Six Forays through Italy
Students at the University of Innsbruck are organizing a course on uni.com as part of a class led by ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhild Fuchs, Institut für Romanistik … more »»