Restoration and conservation measures are an integral part of any excavation project in order to protect the recovered objects from further deterioration. This includes all kinds of materials. The exceptional findings from Ascoli include, for example, broad bronze belts on which, through careful cleaning and treatment, remnants of cloth and fur still adhering could be observed and precisely documented.

As part of the more recent investigations, in 2019 the area around the already open excavation area was also geomagnetically prospected over a large area. The image obtained with this non-invasive technique of further structures that could possibly be expected and are still hidden in the ground revealed the image of further features scattered over a wide area, which could include both buildings and burial structures.
Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)
Sampling of pottery in terms of Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). NAA is considered one of the most reliable methods of chemical provenance determination, measuring concentrations of up to 30 elements including many trace and minor elements. The elemental composition of potting clay depends both on the composition of the raw clay used and on its preparation in the workshops. The elemental composition of the clay paste that was actually processed is crucial for determining provenance and allows for inter-site comparisons. Since clay pastes usually differ from place to place, it is assumed that vessels with the same elemental composition came from the same place of manufacture. It is therefore possible, by sampling appropriate reference material, to identify and localize the chemical fingerprint of a certain production site. This part of research at Ascoli is embedded in the larger project “Local potter’s reactions" by E. Kistler (Innsbruck) and the sampling carried out by Kai Riehle (Innsbruck/Tübingen).
Project partner NAA: Dr. Kai Riehle (Innsbruck/Tübingen)
Archaeobotanical samples are taken from selected features in order to reconstruct ancient lifestyles, economies and diets. Archaeobotany is concerned with plant nutrition, insofar as ancient plant remains are found during excavations. Plant remains are only preserved under special conditions: no influence of oxygen, as in wet soil preservation, in dry soil preservation the preservation of the remains is done by faeces, metals, salt, ice, desiccation etc. or by charring. In the latter, the organic material is converted into charcoal while preserving the original structures and thus the plant species can be determined. Dry soil preservations with charred remains and wet soil preservations are the most common. Most plant remains are seeds or fruits as well as wood, which is examined by specialists. The determination is made by comparison with modern material, as the structures do not change over the millennia.
Project partner Archaeobotany: Dr. Marlies Klee (Freiburg)
Anthropology and DNA
Through systematic anthropological determination of the bones from the graves found, data on the age, sex and state of health of the buried individuals can be obtained. In connection with the associated grave goods, these in turn form the basis for the analysis of social contexts. Genetic studies can provide information about possible family connections of the dead, especially in the case of the frequently observed reburial of the same grave in Ascoli.
The anthropological investigations are carried out by AnthroArch, Gbr (Munich), the genetic analyses by the Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre (Globe Institute - University of Copenhagen).
Stylistic and typological ceramic analysis
The ceramic material recovered during the excavations forms the most frequent and informative group of finds. In order to determine the different vessel forms and types of wares, they must be laid out, documented (photographed and drawn) and subjected to a stylistic and typological analysis. On this basis insights can be gained, for example, into local food and cult practices as well as the far-reaching trade relations of the local population.