About Christian Kanzian
born 1963
Studies of philosophy in Munich and Innsbruck
since 1990 Assistant Professor, Department of Christian Philosophy, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Innsbruck
2000 - 2006 Executive Director of the Austrian Wittgenstein Society (ÖLWG)
since 2001: Associate Professor, Department of Christian Philosophy, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Innsbruck
2004 - 2010: Academic Advisor for Philosophical Studies at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, Innsbruck, Member of the Curriculum Commission
2006 - 2015: President of the Austrian Wittgenstein Society (ÖLWG)
since 2015: Vice president of the Austrian Wittgenstein Society (ÖLWG)
since 2017: Head of the Department of Christian Philosophy
Actual research project: Analytical ontology.