University of Innsbruck
ProfessorDepartment of Mathematics
Technikerstraße 13
6020 Innsbruck
7th floor Civil Engineering Building,
room 722b
Office hours:
Monday: 10:00 - 11:00
+43 512 507 53871
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ecaterina Sava-Huss
Summer term 2025
- Stochastics for prospective teachers (lecture, 4h)
- Statistics (lecture, 2h)
- Research seminar Introduction to quantum probability (seminar Master/PhD students, 2h).
Together with Tim Netzer
- Stochastics 2 (lecture, 3h)
- Random walks (course for Master/PhD students, 4h)
- Research seminar Advanced Topics in Random Walks (seminar Master/PhD students, 2h)
- Stochastics for prospective teachers (lecture, 4h)
- Stochastics for prospective teachers (exercise class)
- Research seminar: random walks on graphs and groups
- Stochastics II (lecture)
- Stochastics II (exercise classes)
- Stochastics for prospective teachers (lecture, 4h)
- Research seminar: random walks & random matrices (with K.Schnass)
- Stochastics II (lecture)
- Random walks (lecture)
- Stochastics II (lecture, 3h)
- Random processes on graphs (lecture, 4h)
- Stochastics II (lecture)
- Stochastics II (Proseminar)
- Stochastics I (lecture)
- Stochastics I (Proseminar)
- Statistics (Proseminar)
Summer term 2019
Mathematics B for Electrical Engineering:
Winter term 2018
- Mathematics A for Electrical Engineering (lecture)
- Probability and Stochastic Processes (exercise classes coordinator)
Mathematics B for Electrical Engineering:
Winter term 2016Probability and Stochastic Processes:
- Lecture LV 503.061.
- Exercise classes (Groups 1,2, 3)
- Coordination of the exercise classes groups (8 groups).
Fall term 2015
- Basic Probability (Math 4710). Course for undergraduates.
Winter term 2012
Winter term 2009
- Functional Analysis (Exercise classes)
- Mathematics A for Electrical Engineering Students (Exercise classes)
Summer term 2009
Winter term 2008
- Functional Analysis (Exercise classes)
- Mathematics A for Electrical Engineering Students (Exercise classes)
Summer term 2008
- Mathematics B for Electrical Engineering Students (Exercise classes)
Winter term 2007
- Mathematics A for Electrical Engineering Students (Exercise classes)