Studies and teaching
The teaching and research area General Educational Sciences and Historical Education Research is widely represented in teaching, both in BA and MA programmes and in PhD programmes. This includes introductory and advanced courses, classes and seminars as well as methodology events and teaching in the “special communication and practical skills”. Depending on the teaching format and the module, fundamental questions are connected to current research. Consideration is given to research-led, innovative teaching/learning concepts with alternative approaches to education that integrate students (e.g. school award winners) and the same applies to courses on research methods (e.g. biographies of seniors) or for excursions in master’s degree courses on locations in which the “body” is negotiated (e.g. maternity wards, exhibitions, court, etc.).
On a case-by-case basis, there is also the possibility of students collaborating in book projects, such as e.g. Peskoller, Helga/Siedler, Marisa (eds.): Über Forschung und Lehre sprechen – (k)eine Sackgasse? (Talking about research and teaching - (not) a dead end?) Innsbruck university press: Innsbruck 2017. Textbook contributions by the faculty are also helpful for studies, e.g. Lederer, Bernd (2020): Quantitative Erhebungsmethoden (Quantitative survey methods). In: Hug, Theo; Poscheschnik, Gerald: Empirisch forschen. Die Planung und Umsetzung von Projekten im Studium. Konstanz: Universitätsverlag Konstanz (UVK), ISBN 978-3-83-854304-8, 3rd revised edition, pp. 143 – 167 and Lederer, Bernd (2020): Quantitative Auswertungsmethoden (Quantitative assessment methods). In: Hug, Theo; Poscheschnik, Gerald: Empirisch forschen. Die Planung und Umsetzung von Projekten im Studium. Konstanz: Universitätsverlag Konstanz (UVK), ISBN 978-3-83-854304-8, 3rd revised edition, pp. 207 – 227 as well as general position statements such as e.g. Lederer, Bernd (2019): Wieso gibt es keine einheitliche Regelung zu Noten und Digitalisierung in der EU? (Why is there no uniform rule on grades and digitalisation in the EU?) In: Europa. Deine Fragen. Unsere Antworten, Frage 31.