Education research
A further focus, in terms of contents and methodology, of the teaching and research area is concept theory and discourse analysis approaches to the key concepts of the discipline of Educational Sciences, starting with “education”. Definitional work with regard to meaning contents and connotation shifts in social (socioeconomic and cultural as well as education policy) discourses of the recent past and in the present are an important focus of research whose interest is mainly in the determination of the contents of a horizon of understanding of “education” that proves to be robust against self-interested assumptions heading towards the economisation and commodification of education and educational thought. The appropriate new determination of humanistic and critical emancipatory contents of education is a precondition for this, as is critical diagnosis of time.
Beyond these theory, philosophy and history of concept and ideology-critical approaches, another central aim of the teaching and research area is to investigate processes and life worlds of pedagogy and education more closely with regard to supporting and hindering criteria. The interest lies in heterodox social contexts and experience spaces in which or through which education processes are (can be) initiated and promoted.
(Cf.: Lederer, Bernd [eds.] [2010]: Teil-Nehmen und Teil-Haben. Fußball aus Sicht kritischer Fans und Gesellschaftswissenschaftler. Göttingen: Die Werkstatt)
Last but not least, the research at the teaching and research area is also aimed at methodological practice and didactic approaches of an interdisciplinary nature that are suitable to accompany successful learning, reflection and education processes.