Past Seminars Archive

Summer term 2016


Mo., 05.10.2015

14.00h, SR 19

David Porter

"Re-Trading, Production
and Durable Goods"
Chapman University

Mo., 25.01.2016

14.00h, SR 17

Andreas Hackethal

"Fee-only Advice. Answers from a
Large Field Study."
University of Frankfurt


Mo., 07.03.2016

14.00h, SR 19

Alex Stomper

"The Stability of Dividends and Wages:
Effects of Competitor Inflexibility"
HU Berlin

Mo., 14.03.2016

14.00h, SR 19

Jean-Robert Tyran

"Money Illusion and Household Finance"
University of Vienna

Mo., 21.03.2016

14.00h, SR 19

Erik Wengström

"Risk Seeking and Effort in
Rank based Payment Schemes"
University of Lund

Mo., 23.05.2016

14.00h, SR 19

Mark DeSantis

"What makes a good trader?
On the role of Quant Skills, Behavioral Biases and
Intuition on Trading Performance."
Chapman University

Mo., 30.05.2016

14.00h, SR 3

Oliver Spalt

"Diversity Investing"
University of Tilburg

Mo., 06.06.2016

14.00h, SR 2

Terrance Odean

"Made Poorer by Choice: Worker Outcomes in Social Security v. Private Retirement Accounts"
Haas School of Business,
University of California Berkley

Summer term 2015


Mo., 30.03.2015

Michel Marechal

(University of Zurich) 

9.00h, Haus der Begegnung

"Business culture and Dishonesty 

> Paper 

in the Banking Industry"

> Personal Information

Mo., 20.04.2015

Nobuyuki Hanaki

(Aix-Marseille School of Economics) 

14.00h, SR 18

"Effect of heterogeneity in a cognitive ability among traders in an experimental asset market"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 18.05.2015

Alex Weissensteiner

(University of Bozen)

14.00h, SR 19

"Advances in modeling the Schredelseker game"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 29.06.2015

Thorsten Hens

(University of Zurich)

14.00h, SR 17

"Designing risk profiler in the laboratory"

> Paper 

> Personal Information


Winter term 2014-15


Mo., 06.10.2014

Anna Dreber

(Stockholm School of Economics) 

14.00h, SR 13

"Testosterone and risk taking"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 27.10.2014

Albert J. Menkveld 

(University of Amsterdam) 

14.00h, SR 19

"Need for Speed? Exchange Latency and Market Quality""

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 12.01.2015

Stefan Zeisberger

(Stony Brook University)

14.00h, SR 1

"Do Return Matter? On the importance of how returns are achieved"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 26.01.2015

Debrah Meloso

(ESC Rennes School of Business)

14.00h, SR 17

"Dynamically Complete Experimental Asset Markets"

> Paper 

> Personal Information


Spring term 2014


Mo., 10.03.2014

Sebastian Schroff

(University of Hohenheim) 

14.00h, SR 3

"Retail Investor Behavior in the Market for Structured Products“

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 28.04.2014

Alain Cohn

(University of Zürich) 

14.00h, SR 3

"Gambler´s Legacy? Assessing Risk Culture in the Financial Industry“

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 05.05.2014

Erich Kirchler

(University of Vienna)

14.00h, SR 3 

 "Tax authorities interacting with taxpayers" 

> Paper 

> Personal Information    

Mo., 19.05.2014

Matteo Ploner

(University of Trento)

14.00h, SR 3 

"Your money is in good hands: How pecuniary sanctions and accountability may alleviate agency dilemmas"

> Paper 

Personal Information     

Do., 26.06.2014

Utz Weitzel

(University of Nijmegen)

10.30h, SR 3 

"Sold below value? Why some targets accept takeover offers with very low and even negative premiums"

> Paper 

Personal Information     


» Winter term 2013-14


Mo., 30.09.2013

Stefan Zeisberger 

(University of Zürich) 

14.00h, SR 3

"How to Help Investors Choosing the Right Asset Allocation and Sticking to it"

> Paper 

> Personal Information


Spring term 2013


Mo., 04.03.2013

Markus Glaser 

(Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) 

14.00h, SR 3

"Run, Walk, or Buy? Financial Literacy, Dual-Process Theory, and Investment Behavior"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 10.06.2013

Aldo Rustichini 

(University of Minnesota) 

14.00h, SR 3

"Strategic Theory of Mind in Young Children"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 01.07.2013

Ragan Petrie and Marco Castillo 

(George Mason University)

14.00h, SR 3 

Petrie: "On the Stability of Risk Preferences of Children by Sex and Race"

> Paper 

Castillo: "Early Experiencies Predict the Risk Preferences of Children: Experimental Evidence from a Longitudinal Study of Peruvian Children" 

> Personal Information, Petrie 


> Personal Information, Castillo    

Mo., 15.07.2013

Jason Shachat 

(Xiamen University)

14.00h, SR 3 

"Discrete Rule Learning and the Bidding of the Sexes"

> Paper 

> Personal Information     


Winter term 2012-13 


Mo., 22.10.2012

Martin Weber 

(University of Mannheim) 

14.00h, SR 3

"Volatility inadaptability: Investors care about risk, but can't cope with volatility"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 05.11.2012

Colin Camerer 



- cancelled - 

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 14.01.2013

Christian Wagner 

(Copenhagen Business School) 

14.00h, SR 3 

"The Economic Value of Predicting Bond Risk Premia: Can Anything Beat the Expectations Hypothesis?"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 28.01.2013

Alexander Mürmann 

(WU Vienna) 

14.00h, SR 3

"Asymmetric Information in Automobile Insurance: New Evidence from Driving Behavior."

> Paper 

> Personal Information



Spring term 2012 


Mo., 16.04.2012

Bruno Biais 

(Toulouse School of Economics) 


- cancelled - 

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 23.04.2012

Eric Hjalmarsson 

(Queen Mary University of London) 

14.00h, SR 3

"Rise of the Machines: Algorithmic Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market"

> Abstract 

> Personal Information

Mo., 14.05.2012

Alexander Wagner 

(University of Zurich)

14.00h, SR 3 

"Agency versus hold-up: Understanding the impact of binding say-on-pay on stock prices"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 04.06.2012

Paul Schneider 

(University of Warwick)

14.00h, SR 3

"Fear trading"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 18.06.2012

Jason Shachat 

(Xiamen University)

14.00h, SR 3

"The Hayek hypothesis and long run competitive equilibrium: an experimental investigation"

> Paper 

> Personal Information



Winter term 2011-12


Mo., 19.09.2011

Peter Bossaerts 

(Caltech and Swiss Finance 

Institute at EPFL) 

14.00h, SR I, Faculty 

"Hedging your Bets by Learning Reward Correlations in the Human Brain"

> Paper 

of Theology

> Personal Information

Mo., 10.10.2011

Shyam Sunder 

(Yale University) 

10.00h, Fakultäts- 

"Risky Curves: From Unobservable Utility to Observable Opportunity Sets"

> Paper 


> Personal Information

Mo., 17.10.2011

Marc Vorsatz 

(FEDEA - Fundacion de Estudios de Economia Aplicada)

- cancelled - 

"Information Aggregation in Experimental Asset Markets in the Presence of a Manipulator"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 28.11.2011

Greg Vilkov 

(Goethe University Frankfurt)

14.00h, SR 3

"Why does an equal-weighted portfolio outperform value- and price-weighted portfolios?"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 16.01.2012

Sebastian Lang 



- cancelled - 

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 30.01.2012

Maik Schmeling 

(University of Hannover) 

14.00h, SR 3

"Currency order flows, information, and risk premia"

> Paper 

> Personal Information


Spring term 2011


Mo., 07.03.2011

Maik Schmeling 

(University of Hannover) 

14.00h, SR 3

- cancelled - 

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 04.04.2011

Markus Schmid 

(University of Mannheim) 

14.00h, SR 3

"Risk Management, Corporate Governance, and Bank Performance in the Financial Crisis"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 16.05.2011

Thomas Lux 

(University of Kiel)

14.00h, SR 3 

"Individual Expectations and Aggregate Behavior in Learning to Forecast Experiments"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 30.05.2011

Joril Maeland 

(University of Bergen)

14.00h, SR 3

"Agency, Competition, and Investment Timing"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 06.06.2011

Wolfgang Aussenegg

(TU Wien) 

14.00h, SR 3

"European Asset Swap Spreads and the Credit Crisis"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 20.06.2011

Norman Schürhoff 

(HEC Lausanne) 

14.00h, SR 3

"Why Ratings Matter: Evidence from the Lehman Brothers Index Rating Redefinition"

> Paper 

> Personal Information

Mo., 27.06.2011

Rainer Jankowitsch 

(WU Wien) 

14.00h, SR 3

- cancelled - 

> Paper 

> Personal Information


Winter term 2010-11


Mo., 11.10.2010

Charles Noussair 

(University of Tilburg)       

14.00h, SR 3

"An experimental DSGE model


>>Personal Information

Mo., 18.10.2010

Marco LiCalzi 

(University of Venice)        

14.00h, SR 3

"Convergence of outcomes and evolution of strategic behavior in double auction"


>>Personal Information

Mo., 15.11.2010

Jan Tuinstra 

(University of Amsterdam)

14.00h, SR 3 

"A multi-round strategy tournament of the Minority Game: A combined laboratory and internet experiment"


>>Personal Information

Mo., 06.12.2010

Topi Miettinen 

(Aalto School of Economics and 

Stockholm School of Economics) 

14.00h, SR 3

"(Legal) disputes and settlement in the lab"


 >>Personal Information

Mo., 13.12.2010

Stefan Palan

(University of Graz)             

14.00h, SR 3

"To see is to believe - Common expectations of rationality in experimental asset markets"


>>Personal Information

Mo., 10.01.2011

Martin Wallmeier 

(University of Fribourg)                        

14.00h, SR 3

"Multivariate downside risk: normal versus variance gamma"


>>Personal Information

Mo., 17.01.2011

Stefan Zeisberger 

(University of Zürich)                            

14.00h, SR 3

"The effect of experience sampling on the attractiveness of structured products: an experimental analysis"


>>Personal Information

Mo., 24.01.2011

Florian Hauser 

(University of Innsbruck)                      

14.00h, SR 3

"On the possibility of informationally efficient markets when investors trade on incomplete, cumulative information"


>>Personal Information

Mo., 31.01.2011

David Tuckett 

(University College London)                 

14.00h, SR 3

"Financial markets are markets in stories: Some emotional finance realities revealed through interviews"


>>Personal Information


Spring term 2010


Mo., 15.03.2010

Martin Holmen 

(University of Gothenburg)

14.00h, SR 19

"Selection Bias and Event Studies: The Case of Takeover Likelihood and Takeover Premium


Mo., 22.03.2010

Christian Andres 

(University of Mannheim)

14.00h, SR 19

"Is Busy Really Busy? Board Governance Revisited"


Mo., 12.04.2010

Sebastian Lang 

(University of St.Gallen)

14.00h, SR 19 

"Determinants of the target capital structure and adjustment speed - Evidence from Asian capital markets"


Mo., 10.05.2010

Wolf Wagner 

(University of Tilburg)

14.00h, SR 19 

"Tail Risk at Banks"


Mo., 17.05.2010

Michael Roos 

(University of Bochum)




Mo., 31.05.2010

Michael Kirchler 

(University of Innsbruck)


"The Efficiency of Financial Markets - 


Evidence from Experiments on a Tobin-Tax"

Mo., 21.06.2010

Hendrik Hakenes 

(University of Hannover)

14.00h, SR 19

"The Birth and Burst 

of Asset Price Bubbles"


Winter term 2009-10


Mo., 12.10.09

Erik Theissen 

(University of Mannheim)

14.00h, SR 3

"Fourteen at One Blow: The Market Entry of Turquoise." 


Mo., 19.10.09

Jens Martin 

(University of Amsterdam)

14.00h, SR 3

"The Pre-IPO Dividend Puzzle"


Mo., 23.11.09

Christian Koziol 

(WHU - Otto-Beisheim School of Management)

14.00h, SR 3 

"Are Private Equity Investors Boon or Bane for an Economy? - A Theoretical Analysis"


Mo., 14.12.09

Wolfgang Drobetz 

(University of Hamburg)

14.00h, SR 3

"Information asymmetry and the value of cash"


Mo., 11.01.10

Manuel Ammann 

(University of St.Gallen)

14.00h, SR 3 

"Cash Holdings and Corporate Governance - International Evidence"


Mo., 18.01.10

Sandy Klasa 

(University of Arizona)

14.00h, SR 3

"Causes and consequences of preannouncement runups in acquisition targets: 

Evidence from deal negotiations and earnings news"

Mo., 25.01.10

Daniel Rösch 

(University of Hannover)

14.00h, SR 3

"Rating performance and agency incentives of structured finance transactions"




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