Academic programme
Plenary speakers
- Prof.ssa Sabine E. Koesters Gensini (Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' / Università degli Studi di Napoli 'L'Orientale'):
"Wenn ein Übersetzer in einer Winternacht… Überlegungen zu Übersetzungen und Übersetzbarkeit der Phraseologie in Italo Calvino und daraus resultierende Konsequenzen für die Phraseodidaktik und (Lerner)lexikographie"
- Prof.ssa Carla Marello (Università degli Studi di Torino):
"Usi fraseologici di apprendenti di italiano L2 e di italofoni. Routine e collocazioni nome-verbo / verbo-nome a partire dagli stessi stimoli iconici nei corpora VALICO e VINCA"
- Prof. Giovanni Rovere (Universität Heidelberg):
"Zum Verhältnis von Syntagmatik und Valenz am Beispiel italienischer Handlungsverben"
Section talks and poster presentations
The talks will take place in two parallel sections, whereby we have attempted to arrange consecutive talks in a thematically coherent way. Moreover, the two parallel talks will mostly be held in two different languages in order to guarantee that you will be able to follow at least one of them.
The poster presentations however will be scheduled simultaneously in the late afternoon on Friday, 12th February 2016. The posters are supposed to be in A0-format. By clicking on the link below, you will find two templates for posters of that format which you can use and adjust for your own poster:
Template/Example 1 - Vorlage/Beispiel 1 - Modello/Esempio 1
Template/Example 2 - Vorlage/Beispiel 2 - Modello/Esempio 2
Overview of contributions
Here you are able to access an overview of all the contributions to the conference ordered alphabetically by the (first) authors' last name:
Overview of all contributions to the conference (authors, titles, languages)
Overview of the programme and schedule
The conference will open in the early afternoon of Thursday, 11th February 2016 and end in the early afternoon of Saturday, 13th February 2016. After the conclusion of the academic programme, we have planned a trip to Bergisel for those who wish to end the conference with a social activity (cf. social programme).
Click on the following link for a detailed overview of the conference programme as well as a detailed schedule:
PROGRAMME LeKo Conference - deutsche Version/ German version/ versione tedesca/ versión alemana
PROGRAMME LeKo-Conference - englische Version/ English version/ versione inglese/ versión inglesa
PROGRAMME LeKo-Conference - spanische Version/ Spanish version/ versione spagnola/ versión española