Nature - the Oetztal Alps


Protected mountain area

Gentiana brachyphylla in the glacier foreland of the Rotmoos glacier. (Foto: Mag. Cathleen Peer)

The distinctiveness of the region is reflected in the high number of protected areas. In the upper Ötz valley three protected areas come together: the ‘Ruhegebiet’ Ötztal Alps (resting area, also Natura-2000 site), the natural monument Obergurgler Zirbenwald and the Biosphere Reserve Gurgler Kamm. In 2006 the Nature Park Ötztal was founded to concentrate the different nature treasures under an umbrella organization.

Informations about fauna, flora, habitats and geology of the Inner Oetz valley as well as a map of the Resting area Oetztal Alps you can find on the homepage of the Nature Park Oetztal.

Here is a very comprehensive description of the entire Oetztal Alps.








Blick ins Rotmoostal

 View into the beautyful Rotmoos Valley (Foto: Mag. Cathleen Peer)








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