"Mountains of Madness?" Dread, Awe, and Insurgent Nature in Extractivist Imaginaries of Mountains

11.05.2023 | 18:00–19:30 Uhr | ONLINE | Sharae Deckard

Das Zentrum für Interamerikanische Studien (ZIAS) der Universität Innsbruck lädt Sie herzlich zum zweiten Vortrag im Rahmen der Inside Mountains-Reihe (SoSe '23) ein:

Am Donnerstag, den 11. Mai 2023 (18:00–19:30 Uhr, ONLINE), wird Sharae Deckard (University College Dublin) zum Thema "'Mountains of Madness?' Dread, Awe, and Insurgent Nature in Extractivist Imaginaries of Mountains" sprechen. Nach dem Vortrag können sehr gerne Fragen gestellt werden. Die Vortragende freut sich auf eine lebendige Diskussion.

Zum Vortrag:

"This talk will discuss extractive fictions from the twentieth- to twenty-first century that depict forms of mining or extraction set in mountain environments and investigate how they operate through either extractivist or anti-extractivist aesthetics. If extractivist aesthetics tend to revolve around phobic conceptions of an insurgent nature that mounts resistance to extractivist technics, expressed through imaginaries of mountains that are couched in affects of dread and awe, anti-extractivist aesthetics turn around the horror of capitalist nature itself. Starting with H.P. Lovecraft’s ur-text of carbon-dread and “horrible” mountains, At the Mountains of Madness (1936), and moving through a range of literary fiction, graphic narratives (such as Daniel Boyd’s Carbon [2014]), and film references, I will explore common tropes, devices, and affects associated with extractivist imaginaries of mountains and technics of extreme extraction: affects of dread, awe, and the ineffable associated with geology, deep time, and the embodied forms of mountains; tropes of drills and dredges and plots hinging on the terrifying consequences of delving too deep; fears of unearthing monstrous life or horrifying substances that pollute the topside; and the spatialization of settings on vertical axes that concretize the vertical frontiers of industrialized extraction in gothic imagery of dark tunnels, shafts, bore holes, mines, and wells, offering uncanny revelations of the undersides and recesses of mountain ranges."


  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Link: https://zoom.us/j/93672027285
  • Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.
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