Mountains Beyond Mountains: Heritage and Cinematic Extractivism in Gros Morne National Park

05.06.2023 | 18:00–19:30 Uhr | Hörsaal 2 | Rachel Webb Jekanowski

Das Zentrum für Interamerikanische Studien (ZIAS) der Universität Innsbruck lädt Sie herzlich zum 5. und somit letzten Vortrag im Rahmen der Inside Mountains-Reihe (SoSe '23) ein:

Am Montag, den 05. Juni 2023 (18:00–19:30 Uhr, Hörsaal 2), wird Rachel Webb Jekanowski (Memorial University of Newfoundland) zum Thema "Mountains Beyond Mountains: Heritage and Cinematic Extractivism in Gros Morne National Park" sprechen. Nach dem Vortrag können sehr gerne Fragen gestellt werden. Die Vortragende freut sich auf eine lebendige Diskussion.

Zum Vortrag:

"Located on the west coast of Newfoundland, Gros Morne National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its majestic views and unique geology, including exposed portions of the Earth’s mantle. This breathtaking landscape has been the subject of countless tourism and science films, from Gros Morne: A Matter of Time (dir. F. Whitman Trecartin, 1978), produced by the National Film Board of Canada, to contemporary documentaries like the National Parks Project: Gros Morne (dir. Peter Mettler, 2009). This talk theorizes these cinematic imaginaries of Gros Morne as part of a larger practice of extractivism within settler Canadian cinema. Reading these films alongside other examples of sponsored and nontheatrical films about natural resource management of the period, my talk examines how these films participate in shifting cultural discourses about deep time, Canada’s 'natural' wealth, and the production of settler heritage on unceded Indigenous land."


  • Sprache: Englisch
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