Enthought Canopy Python Distribution

Setting up the environment


Canopy is the next generation of the  Enthought Python Distribution (EPD), adding an advanced text editor, integrated IPython console, graphical package manager and online documentation to Enthought's proven Python distribution. The Enthought Python Distribution provides scientists with a comprehensive set of tools to perform rigorous data analysis and visualization. Python, distinguished by its flexibility, coherence, and ease-of-use, is rapidly becoming the programming language of choice for researchers worldwide. EPD extends this capacity with a powerful collection of Python libraries to enable interactive technical computing and cross-platform rapid application development.

EPD contains over 100 libraries meticulously configured for maximum compatibility and efficiency. SciPy and NumPy are linked to MKL for fast linear algebra. Our most popular libraries include matplotlib, IPython, PyTables, PIL, wxPython, and Cython.

Setting up the environment

Put the following line below at the command line or for the global definitions in your ".bashrc" file:

module load canopy/1.5.5


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