Daumen hoch und Daumen runter Symbol auf TastaturOnce again in the 2015/2016 academic year n, the compulsory and university-wide course analysis is carried out at all faculties. Students have the opportunity to give their lecturers a feedback on the implementation and design of their course. Information on aspects such as content, structure of the course, imparting of the contents, or degree of difficulty is collected.

Lecturers are advised to make the survey in the last third of the course. At this time the students have collected sufficient experience and impressions to evaluate the course, also in relation to workload and examination information.

The results of the course analysis are published if the lecturers give their agreement. The results will be available in early March 2016. This way the course lecturers can use the feedback for the following courses. Moreover, the Deans from the respective faculty will be able to obtain an overview of all the courses, the results of which deviate sharply from average results highlighted. The Deans of Faculty will then speak with the respective lecturers to find out the reasons for the results and to agree together on possible measures to improve them.  

Students have different possibilities to retrieve the published results. On the one hand the results can be obtained from LFU:online, namely under  “Courses” > “Evaluation Results”, on the other hand there is the possibility to use the search function on the website  to search for a person. Having clicked on the name of the person you will reach an information page with contact data. If the results have been published a link will appear directly below the e-mail address under “Evaluation of Teaching”.   


Mag. Christian Huemer

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