Picture: Family
The strength of the audit is that it summarizes and assesses measures and efforts already implemented from an external perspective. This provides a basis for continual improvement to ensure that the University of Innsbruck is a family-friendly environment for students and staff.
What services are currently available to help students and staff balance family, work and education?
- The Kinderbüro, including information services
- Childcare during holidays for children of students and staff
- Summer program Junge Uni ('young university')
- Flexible hourly childcare for children from the age of 6 months to nine years
- Exemption from tuition fees in cases of pregnancy and childcare of children (until age seven) in the same household
- ÖH counseling services "Studying with a Child"
… to name only the most important services.
In the process, which was supervised by auditors, representatives of senior management, of the scientific and general staff, and of the student body met with experts to determine the development potential in various domains and to derive family-friendly measures for specific needs. Thus, in the near future, new ideas will be developed and implemented to promote a family-friendly work and educational environment.