Team, Project C: Basel

Departement of History
University of Basel
phone: +41 61 207 46 76
Further information about Martin Lengwiler ↓↑
Since 2012 Full professor for Modern History, Department of History, University of Basel
2009–2012 Assistant professor (tenure track) for Modern European History, University of Basel
2008 Fellow of the Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
2006–2009 Several appointed professorships at the University of Basle and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
2004 Senior Lecturer (“Privatdozent”) at the University of Zurich
2002–2006 Research associate at the Social Science Research Center, Berlin (“Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung”, WZB); founding member of the research group “Science Policy Studies” at the WZB
2002 Fellow of the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation, Germany
2001 Fellow at the Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Irvine (USA); member of the research group "Historical and Interpretive Approaches to Standards, Quantification and Formal Representations" (directed by Prof. Susan Leigh Star).
1999 – 2003 Habilitation project on "Risk policies of the Welfare state: the case of the Swiss National Accident Insurance, 1870-1970”; research fellow at the Wellcome Center for the History of Medicine, London; Science Studies Programme at University of California, San Diego; Social Science Research Center, Berlin; Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris.
1994 – 1998 Dissertation in History, University of Zurich
1986 – 1993 Master (lic. phil. I) in History, Sociology and German Studies, University of Zurich

Further information about Romed Aschwanden ↓↑
- since 2019 Managing director of the Urner Instituts «Kulturen der Alpen» an der Universität Luzern
- 2015-2019 Doctoral Candidate at the Department of History, University of Basel
- 2013–2015 Master in History and Science of Religion, Universities of Basel and Bologna
- 2009–2013 Bachelor in History and Science of Religion, University of Basel