About the conference
Standards and Standardizing in High and Low Stakes Exams:
Assessment from classroom to Matura
We invite proposals for talks and workshops from teachers, teacher educators, researchers, assessors, and materials and test writers involved in the following issues at classroom, regional or national level:
- issues in implementing standards
- at national, regional and local levels
- at primary, secondary and tertiary level
- across local borders
- standards in the staffroom and the classroom
- various stakeholder perspectives (students, teachers, parents, headteachers, school inspectors, teacher trainers)
- setting up appropriate parameters
- PISA studies
- Bildungsstandards at all levels and subjects
The aim of this conference is to look at how professionals in the field have addressed these issues, and to exchange ideas on how different constituencies can cooperate in order to improve testing and assessment practice(s) in Europe.
The deadline for proposals is June 6, 2011. We would be delighted to see as many of you as possible either as presenters or as delegates.