Master’s Programme German Philology

Would you like to acquire specialised knowledge and develop research approaches to language and literature and a critical awareness?

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The students of this Masters’s degree programme acquire in-depth theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field of German philology and may focus on specific areas in this field of study. They are able to develop and follow innovative theoretical concepts and research approaches by applying their comprehensive specialised knowledge.

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Graduates possess highly specialised knowledge in the fields of German linguistics and literary studies. They are able to apply their competences in linguistics/applied linguistics, medieval studies or literary studies/mediation by independently formulate and substantiate scientific arguments and to find innovative solutions to problems as well as to communicate beyond the subject boundaries.

The Master’s Programme in German Philology aims at the scientific examination of the German language and literature, its development and its functions in the present and history as well as the cultural, social and anthropological-symbolic processes in which they are embedded. Language and literature are seen as comprehensive cultural phenomena that recognise, understand and help to shape our living environment and promote the reflection of social and cultural processes also with regard to future development. Special attention is given to gender aspects in our culture that shape language and literature.

That is why in addition to thorough knowledge of historic, systematic and pragmatic aspects of language and literature and insights into the practice of literary teaching, also knowledge of media, its structures, mechanisms of action and shaping possibilities are given a lot of space. Studying the fundamentals and characteristics or oral and written communication and the developing of a high level or oral and written language competence are other major objectives of the Master’s Programme in German Philology. The comprehensive understanding of the subject corresponds to a large variety of theories. The Master’s Programme in German Studies is science-orientated.

Graduates of the Master’s Programme in German Philology can apply their expertise in their field of work or study as well as knowledge from other disciplines for the strategic orientation and management of complex projects, operational areas or companies. Depending on the focus of their studies, they are qualified for the following occupational fields:

  • media: print media, radio, TV, new media etc.
  • book trade and librarianship
  • publishing: school book publishing houses, literary publishing houses etc.
  • cultural administration and education: houses of literature, cultural authorities, theatres, museums etc.
  • adult education: communication advice, writing centres, courses for German as Foreign/Second Language etc.
  • international culture and education exchange: e.g. within the scope of a lectorship or educational counselling
  • public relations: companies, public administration, cultural institutions etc.
  • research: university, literary archives, language documentation, edition projects etc.
  • The Master’s Programme in German Philology is science-orientated and the basis for a Doctoral Programme.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture Department of German Studies​​​​​​​ Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

Uni Inns­bruck fei­ert Karl Kraus

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Tie­fen­boh­run­gen: Zu Nor­bert Gstreins Poe­tik

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