Master’s Programme English and American Studies

Would you like to analyse texts independently, acquire specialised knowledge of English-language literatures and cultures and develop your communication and research skills?

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The students of the Master’s Degree Programme in English and American Studies acquire sound knowledge and competencies in the fields of English linguistics and culture, English literature and culture as well as American literature and culture. Students may choose as electives courses and programmes offered in other departments and institutes of the faculty (for example, film studies, media studies, business communication).


Study Code
UC 066 812

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Graduates possess highly specialised knowledge in the fields mentioned in the qualification profile. They are able to apply their knowledge at the intersections of related subjects and disciplines as well as to society by independently formulate and substantiate scientific arguments and to find innovative solutions to problems.

The Master's Programme English and American Studies deals with the varieties of languages, literatures and cultures of the Anglophone world. It includes the following areas of competence: advanced language studies, English linguistics and culture, English literature and culture as well as American literature and culture.

Graduates are able to perform independent scientific work, to review and critically select relevant material, to evaluate, discuss and analyse as well as to summarise and transfer it to others.

They have the open-mindedness and methodological flexibility required by the constantly changing job requirements of today's labour market.

The competences trained include: Language, communication and presentation skills; scientific work in theory and practice; text comprehension and production; multimedia skills; cultural-historical, socio-political and intercultural skills; problem awareness and problem-solving skills; methodological skills; social skills and teamwork ability; independence and flexibility. Transfer of these competences is achieved via scientific discussion about the English language in its sub-disciplines and manifestations, literary texts in English and other text types and media of relevance for cultural studies.

Due to the prominent role of English in today's world and the competences imparted by the Master's Programme English and American Studies, there is a wide range of activities and occupational fields for graduates: science and research; language and communication training (e.g. in adult education); literary translation, publishing, bookselling and librarianship; media (print media, radio, television, film, video, internet); cultural management and cultural policy; public administration and diplomatic service; economy and tourism.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture Department of English​​​​​​​ Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

Rückblick: „KiK“-Tagung „Geschichte/n des Wohnens“

Von 24. bis 27. Januar lud das FZ „Kulturen im Kontakt“ zur Tagung „Geschichte/n des Wohnens: Kulturen, Krisen, Utopien“, organisiert von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dorothee Birke, Dr. Alena Heinritz und Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Singer mit Maja Klostermann. In 30 Vorträgen, einer Filmvorführung im Leokino sowie einer VR-Installation und studentischen Arbeiten wurde das Thema „Wohnen“ diskutiert.

In Erin­ne­rung an em. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harro H. Kühnelt

Der 100. Geburtstag und der 15.Todestag von em. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harro H. Kühnelt liegen im Dezember 2023. Hiermit soll an einen verdienten Hochschullehrer und bedeutenden Wissenschaftler, der in Lehre und Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Anglistik neue Wege beschritt, erinnert werden. Seine im selben Fach promovierte Ehefrau Erika arbeitete mit ihm mit und unterstützte ihren Mann sehr umfänglich.

32. Jah­res­kon­fe­renz der CDE: „Theatre in the Digi­tal Age“

Vom 2. bis zum 5. Mai 2024 lud das Institut für Anglistik zur 32. Jahreskonferenz der German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE). Die ausgebuchte internationale Tagung fand in den Räumlichkeiten des Tiroler Bildungsinstitut Grillhof in Innsbruck-Igls statt.

Im Fuß­ball zäh­len neben den Füßen auch die Zun­gen

Doppelte Buchpräsentation zum Thema „Fußball und Sprache(n)“Rechtzeitig vor Beginn der EURO haben der Frankreich-Schwerpunkt der Uni Innsbruck und der linguistische Arbeitskreis der Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät am 11. Juni 2024 zwei kürzlich erschienene Sammelbände zum Thema Fußball und Sprache/Sprachen vorgestellt.

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