Master’s Programme Peace and Conflict Studies

You would like to research international peace work and conflict transformation in a scientific and practice-oriented way?

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The Master's Programme Peace and Conflict Studies provides scholarly education in areas of international peacebuilding, conflict transformation, development policy, diplomacy, human rights, security, and disaster management.

It also provides action-oriented training in teamwork and development, diversity and identity, inclusion, capacity development, and intercultural communication.


Study Code
UC 066 643

Admission procedure

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Graduates are particularly qualified to work in or lead multi- and transdisciplinary as well as culturally diverse teams and thus contribute to the solution-oriented handling of complex, global problems, including the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. They have acquired subject-specific and social skills that prepare them for leadership roles in international, national, regional, public and private institutions.

Graduates are able to deal with relevant problems that reflect the current state of knowledge in peace and conflict studies using scientific approaches, concepts and methods in a subject-specific, independent and practice-oriented manner.

Academic areas in which graduates acquire special knowledge and specialised knowledge as preparatory scientific training are the multi- and transdisciplinary contexts of peace and conflict studies research in an international and intersectional perspective.

The Master's programme provides academic education and also action-oriented training in teamwork and development, diversity and identity, inclusion, capacity development and intercultural communication, and promotes the use of digital media as complementary teaching and learning environments. The primary qualification of graduates lies in science-based prevention, mediation and transformation of violent relationships in mission-relevant areas.

Graduates possess substantial methodological competences in application-oriented areas of peace and conflict research, which have practical relevance for many professional fields beyond the boundaries of the discipline.

Typical professional fields of graduates are in the areas of international peace work, development policy, diplomacy, human rights, security and disaster management. They can, for example, work as scientific experts or mediators and as experts for private and public institutions.

Graduates tracking: Shows which occupational fields students enter after graduation

Faculty of Philosophy and History Examination Office Information for students with disabilities




From the field

wissenswert Februar 2022

In dieser Ausgabe sprechen Innsbrucker Wissenschaftler über den Klimarat der Bürger*innen, Studierende berichten von ihren Forschungsprojekten und Sie erfahren, wie man sein Wissen über Tirols Tierwelt zertifizieren lassen kann. Darüber hinaus gibt es alle Informationen zum Studienstart und zu neuen oder neugestalteten Studienangeboten im kommenden Wintersemester.

Frie­dens- und Kon­flikt­for­schung im Irak

Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus dem Irak waren Mitte Jänner in Innsbruck, um ihre Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arbeitsbereich für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung an der Universität zu vertiefen.

Akade­mische Ant­worten auf Krieg und Gewalt

Eine irakische Delegation mit Wissenschaftsminister Abdul Razzaq Jalel al-Esa an der Spitze kam im Juni zu einem höchst erfolgreichen Arbeitstreffen an die Universität Innsbruck. Eingeladen hatte der Arbeitsbereich für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, um sich über eine zukünftige Zusammenarbeit zu einigen. Die Delegation wurde auch von Rektor Tilmann Märk empfangen.

Eröff­nung des For­schungs­zentrums Frieden und Konflikt

Anlässlich der Eröffnung des neu gegründeten Forschungszentrums „Frieden und Konflikt“ an der Universität Innsbruck war eine Delegation der Innsbrucker Partneruniversität Haramaya, der zweiältesten Universität Äthiopiens zu Besuch in Innsbruck. Die erfolgreiche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und der offene Austausch standen im Zentrum des Besuchs beim Land Tirol.

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