CoPrA - Collaboration Process Analysis

Please note that this page is still under construction and will be enriched with data sources. 

What is CoPrA

CoPrA, a COllaboration PRocess Analysis technique, allows investigating behavior of individuals in distributed groups mediated by collaboration technology from a process-oriented perspective. Based on coded communication logs, CoPrA uses information on user participation and actions performed by group members to extract similarities or differences within and between groups. The analysis’ results answer questions such as whether groups adopt treatments in experimental settings, whether and when patterns of collaboration change over time, and how comprehensively participants negotiate during collaboration. Thus, CoPrA can enhance our understanding of collaboration processes and additionally provides grounds for richer analysis and increased internal validity of experimental data. 

This work has been presented at HICSS-45:

The following data sources have been generated from a laboratory experiment conducted in May 2010 which investigated how process structure, provided by thinkLets, impact collaboration. The study was based on an experiment designed by Lowry et al. 2005 [1]. Data to be downloaded is coming soon


[1] Lowry, P.B., Nunamaker Jr, J.F., Curtis, A., and Lowry, M.R., The impact of process structure on novice, virtual collaborative writing teams, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 48, 4, 2005, pp. 341–364. 

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