Picture: Child © fotolia.com
Flexible hourly childcare services
The SpielRäume ('play rooms') offer flexible hourly childcare for children (ages 6 months to nine years) of students and staff of the University of Innsbruck.
Every year at the beginning of the semester, interested parents have the opportunity to find out about flexible childcare, to see our rooms, and to meet the team.
Appointments for information sessions can be made now.
Information sessions will be held in the week of 15 to 19 September 2014. Please contact us for an appointment, by phone at +43 512 507-9048 or by e-mail: Helena.Wurnitsch@uibk.ac.at.
At our open house on 23 September 2014 from 14:00 to 18:00, you can register your child(ren) for the SpielRäume and sign up for familiarization sessions.
Online Babysitter Exchange
Since summer semester 2014, the Kinderbüro has been offering a free online babysitter exchange for university staff and students.
This service gives parents a quick and uncomplicated way to contact babysitters – even at short notice.
Students interested in babysitting work can contact the Kinderbüro by e-mail. Students are eligible to register as a babysitter if they are over 18 years old, enjoy being with children, and are reliable, punctual, flexible and responsible. In addition, they need to have completed appropriate training or a babysitting course.
Contact and Information
Further information on SpielRäume, the Online Babysitter Exchange and other services of the Kinderbüro may be found (in German) at: http://www.uibk.ac.at/leopoldine/kinderbuero/.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at kinderbetreuung@uibk.ac.at or by telephone at +43 512 507-9048.