
Family Service

Information about Flexible child-care in the SpielRäumen, Holiday care, Babysitter exchange, and Care information events.

Flexible child-care in the SpielRäumen

In the SpielRäume children (6 months to 10 years) of students and employees at the University of Innsbruck can be looked after by qualified experts on an hourly basis – e.g. for attending a lecture or seminar. We hope that this year again, we will be able keep the SpielRäume open throughout the summer. 

Holiday care

We organise a week of holiday care during the winter semester break for children of university members from an age of 3-10 years as well as a varied holiday programme during the summer break.
If possible, we will increase our staff in the SpielRÄume on school-free/school-autonomous days to be able to look after additional children.

Babysitter exchange

The Family Services offers all members of the University of Innsbruck a Babysitter Exchange, which offers parents a fast and uncomplicated means of contact with babysitters. Students can obtain a list with babysitters on request either by mail or they can pick it up at the Family Service.

Care information events

The number of people in need of care in Austria is increasing. More and more people have to combine their job and/or studies with looking after relatives in need. Since the University of Innsbruck would also like to increase its focus on this topic, the Family Services team offers free information events on care topics. Lectures are aimed at all affected and interested members of the university. In addition, the Austrian-wide network of UniKid-UniCare Austria offers interesting, free lectures via the “CAREseiten zeigen” event series on a regular basis. The last event’s topic was ”How are our children doing in the pandemic”. More details will be announced on our website in due time. It is worthwhile to check it out from time to time!

Contact and information

More information on the SpielRäume, the online Babysitter Exchange and other services provided by the Family Services can be found on our website at www.uibk.ac.at/familienservice.

We are looking forward to your visit!

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