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Georgios Trantas
Guest Researcher



Georgios E. Trantas is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie guest researcher in the Postsecular Conflicts Project since September 2019. He is currently employed as Senior Researcher at the Centre for Intercultural Communication, VID Specialised University in Stavanger. Moreover, he is an Expert Evaluator of the European Commission MSCA H2021 programme, a founding Editorial Board Member of two academic journals and a UK Higher Education Academy Fellow. His expertise involves the interplay of religion and politics, and specifically dimensions pertaining to the Politics of Religion and Cultural Diplomacy, Soft Power, Religiocultural Geography, Refugee/Migrant/Minority/Diasporic Religioscapes formation, as well as national Boundaries and Religiocultural Frontiers. In this context, also, he specialises in emergent conflict and security issues due to Intersecting/Antagonistic Religioscapes, and further, Interreligious Dialogue and Reconciliation. Moreover, he is an expert in the analysis of Christian Orthodox aesthetics as religiocultural heritage and the role of places of worship as arks of collective narratives, self-perception, and as means of communication.

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