FORUM PHIL-KULT was formed by the representatives of early career researchers within the Faculty of Humanities 2 (Language and Literature) at the University of Innsbruck.
The team was made up of scholars working in Literary and Cultural Studies, who offered support and advice to (young) researchers in our Faculty. We were also in charge of planning research seminars and meetings as well as networking activities within and beyond the Faculty of Humanities.
The summer term 2015 saw the start of the PHIL-KULT colloquium. Researchers and colleagues from the Faculty of Humanities as well as international guests presented their current projects in biweekly meetings. In the discussions ensuing these talks, we discussed approaches, methods, ideas, and problems relevant to our fields.
Since the winter term 2016/17 we were hosting the monthly POST_DOC_CAFÉ, which served both as an informal gathering and a laboratory for new ideas and collaborations. All activities hosted by FORUM PHIL-KULT were open to the public and promoted the open-minded and interdisciplinary outlook of the researchers working in the fields of Language and Literature.