Department of Banking and Finance
Major Areas of Research
Asset Pricing, Mutual Funds
Which Research Methods do you apply...
Empirical analysis of disclosed portfolio holdings data
Who are the other Members of your Team in Innsbruck?
Matthias Bank, Jochen Lawrenz, Nicolas Richtmann, Mauricio Praxmarer
Which of your Papers should the others know?
What do you expect from IDS?
Insightful discussions and knowledge sharing
Science is....?
when fiction can be investigated.
Being a Researcher and Teacher is?
a trade-off between self-realisation and service.
I like...
to learn new things.
i don´t like...
progress bars or charts that actually show no progress at all.
The major Societal Challenge is.....
to establish consensus.
My preferred Holiday Destination is...
Lofoten (Norway).
Stand: April 2021